Thursday, 12/7/17

On the joys of running with others.

Hug It Out, Man

Q&A with Mariah Castillo

Best Prep Running Program in California?

What does it take to run a sub-3 marathon? …Helpful?

Why Los Angeles is Burning

Loved this one from Amby Burfoot: The Endless Toil of the Somewhat Grumpy, Fiercely Independent, Formerly Fast Meteorologist-Turned Big Data Guy. …Ever been to The Lost Coast? No, I haven’t either. Must do in 2018. The lady who allows me house privileges has a great story about being lost in Petrolia, asking directions. Petrolia, by the way, is so out of the way that my spell check refuses to acknowledge its existence. …I’m very familiar with Eureka and Arcada, as my brother in law lives in the area. Curious, fun area; a must see. Don’t miss the redwood forest behind Humboldt State.

Semi-Rad: Put More Self-Flagellation In Your Vacation

Best Generals All Time? Interesting, eh? But what I’d really like to see is the best cross country/running (prep/college/elite) coaches all time. Please forward ASAP.

Wednesday, 12/6/17

Alan Webb’s Final Workout

World 1500m champion Elijah Manangoi was a one-lap sprinter before he focused on the metric mile. Read

4 Ways to Master Your Running Form …Some simple tweaks, disciplines might cure your/my inefficiencies. Many decades ago, a friend and rookie runner was easily recognized from afar by his right hand flapping. Gene Blankenship told him that for two weeks (or something like that) he was not allowed to run a step without a tennis ball in his right hand. So he did that. Problem solved.

What I Learned At Phil Knight’s Big Basketball Birthday Party

The Secret to Happiness? Simplify. …Mostly sound advice, insights you already have and not yet followed. …PK has not followed the writer’s advice.

NYT: How Exercise Can Make for Healthier Fat

Tuesday, 12/5/17

How special was Mariah Castillo’s third place finish at NXN? Story.

Raevyn Rogeers is a girly girl and fierce. Only 21, she is a six time NCAA champion. …Watch. Huge win as a freshman.

Women are naturally more fit than men

Amby Burfoot: Running ‘Softer’ Might Reduce Your Injury Risk

Lonely and Loving It

the morning shakeout. He’s right, CIM is special. The course is forgiving, fast, and legal. 649 ran sub three. The weather can be great (cold) or lousy. In ’87, super cold and a driving rain, I had my worst marathon experience. In the medical tent afterwards with hypothermia. In ’88, in ideal conditions, I ran my second best marathon (2:51:55).

In a ridiculously small (31 high school males) study, cross training improved cross country runners. Read.

Why the NFL sucks.

Why we kinda suck too because we don’t jump stairs like Ashton Eaton or Alysia Montano. …But we can run or walk up stairs, hills, and mountains.

2017 December OTC Newsletter

Monday, 12/4/17

Obstacle race for kids coming to SCV

Q&A with Courtney Frerichs. Silver medalist in the 3000 steeple at 2016 World Championships. …Train with someone better than you.

You’re Probably Not Eating Enough Fruits and Vegetables

On our addiction to brainless nonsense.

Saying goodbye to California

Weekend, 12/2-3/17 -Castillo 3rd at NXN!

Neely Gracey video: I’m a Runner

NYT: Running

Video: Mariah Castillo at NXN

What Jerry Schumacher Taught Me

Alex Hutchinson: What masters athletes know about healthy aging

Kids have never been safer. …And less fit?

Today at the California International Marathon:
23. Jameson Mora 2:17:33
42. Seth Totten 2:19:27
128. Justin Panananan 2:33:05
770. Chris Louie 3:05:13
846. Katrina Graham 3:07:27
2267. Christopher Go 3:40:32

Friday, 12/1/17

The Secret of Pre’s Rock …Q&A with Pre’s friend, Mike Manley.

Q&A with Brandon Hudgins. He’s an elite middle distance runner who struggles with vasculitis.

Sports and the fear of death

Cool video: A Glimpse at the Sweet, Simple Life of a New Zealand Hut Warden

Another: 8 tips for 100-mile trail races – from Anton Krupicka

Thursday, 11/30/17

How an Olympic Runner Hits Race Weight

About dedication. Mikaela Shiffrin Does Not Have Time for a Beer

Saugus boys defy odds…

What can the Glasgow effect teach us about stress and adaptation?

Is This What I Have To Do To Get Away From My Phone?

Winston Churchill was born on November 30, 1874. More. If really serious, and love a great biography, dive into The Last Lion. Collectively, that’s 3,961 pages.

Wednesday, 11/29/17

NYT: How Running May or May Not Help the Heart

The latest on U.S.A. vs. Lance Armstrong

What runners can learn from Jenny Simpson and Vincent van Gogh. …As it happens, today is date night. Dinner and a movie, Loving Vincent

How Technology is Hijacking Your Mind 

Tuesday, 11/28/17

the morning shakeout

Benefits of Walking. Alone is good. With your mate is better.

The ten commandments of running etiquette

State Finals Podium Teams Since 1987

Malcolm Gladwell says we should boycott college football, especially at elite academic institutions like the University of Pennsylvania, Harvard, and especially Stanford. Video.

Why Your Running Cadence Still Matters. For about a dozen years, a changing cast of characters would do a weekly 24 miler, always on Sunday. Sometimes we would do minute drills in the final mile or two, counting our steps. With the focus on the turnover, on maintaining (increasing?) our turnover, the first minute drill was easy, and our legs felt re-energized. The minute “easy” interval felt great. But the next few “fast” intervals got increasingly tough… Try it sometime.

Monday, 11/27/17

Keep Things Simple For A Healthy, Long Life

Must see video on Jordan Hasay

Outside: The Greatest…

Books To Base Your Life On

Fever is a sign that we should isolate ourselves from the herd. More.