Wednesday, 10/25/17

So Long, Meb!

Busy dad smashes FKT on the John Muir Trail:

Busy working mom of four wins marathon, busting “No Time” myth.

Busy Darrell General has the time and, more importantly, the will.

Which of us is not saying to himself—which of us has not been saying to himself all his life: “I shall alter that when I have a little more time”? We never shall have any more time. We have, and we have always had, all the time there is.” -Arnold Bennett, How to Live on 24 Hours a Day

It’s a fun and wise and quick read. Here:

Mario Fraioli is spot on with his recommendation on the Tim Ferriss podcast with Walter Isaacson.  It’s terrific. I have the da Vinci bio on order.  You can’t beat his biographies on Jobs, Einstein, and Franklin.  We came up with the Ben’s Ten race directly after reading Isaacson’s Franklin.

Einstein’s tip:

Garrison Keillor in Eugene:

We missed Keillor’s heart-healing show.

Don’t miss.  Boris Berian.  2016 world indoor 800 champion. 

It’s probably best to not cogitate and race/train hard at the same time.

Tuesday, 10/24/17

More dairy?

Lazy Person’s Guide to Happiness:

Can money buy happiness?

This defies gravity, physics, all comprehension:

Amby Burfoot tweets: RIP Terry Laughlin, master swim coach & founder of Total Immersion Swimming. He mixed art, science, Zen, and had an insatiable curiosity. …More:

More on Terry Laughlin and TI.  If you see someone swimming, gliding and seemingly effortlessly, it’s probably a TI swimmer.

Lousy timing!  Leaving town just hours before (visit my son in Mt. Shasta City):

More on buns.

Monday, 10/23/17

NYT obit on oldest woman marathoner:

Stoicism in professional sports:

Catching up with Alexi Pappas:   

CIF-SS XC polls:


Weekend, 10/21-22/17

Is chocolate healthy?

Why babies  (and the rest of us) need to read.

NYT Running:

Brief update:

Great Oak girls better Saugus course record at Mt. SAC.  West Ranch boys beat Saugus and Canyon:

Must read (I’ve read the book thrice):  

BTW,  Leener is donating September & October book sale proceeds to American Red Cross relief efforts for hurricane victims in the U.S. Sales have been brisk!

Friday, 10/20/17

Steve Magness:

Fast and last?

I quit showering…

Thursday, 10/19/17


Q&A with Johnny Gray:

10 Basic Rules for Adventure:

Glenn Crabtree writes:   Have been running in the Las Vegas area and ran into Sylvia Mosqeda here.  She is still lightning fast and coaches some fast dudes.

Cowboy news:

Wednesday, 10/18/17

Good read:

400m hill repeats.  With serious stretching before and after: 

About disgust, death, danger, and more besides.


Tuesday, 10/17/17

Smartphones more deadly than terrorists.

Now if you would just lose some pounds…

Ban the heiny huggers?


Monday, 10/16/17

Where’s The Proof That Mindfulness Meditation Works?

Yesterday we saw:

Yes, you’re independent, tough-minded, but would you take your kids to school in a plywood box?

Great coach:

Weekend, 10/14-15/17

Running in NYT:

Whatever problem you’re struggling with is probably addressed in some book somewhere written by someone a lot smarter than you. …Read:

A brilliant illustration of how much public space we’ve surrendered to cars.  …Know anyone who runs or bikes to the workout?