Answers to Every Possible Thanksgiving Health Question
Where I blew the budget this weekend.
On Black Friday, we visited The Museum of Flight. Seriously, if not comatose, and you still care about history and science, it’s a must see. Our favorite exhibit was the Air Force One in the era of Eisenhower through Nixon.
The story behind the story: The journalist who exposed Team Sky
CIF-State XC Championships today. Results here.
NYT: Running
Why Physical Exercise Might Be the Best Way to Keep Your Mind Sharp. …Reading books helps too.
For some reason, my Facebook friends plead for Bill Walton to STFU. Googled and found this. Sez Shoe Dog is the most important human in sports. …We liked the book, but not enough to read again. But it’s still on the shelf.
John Ford said John Wayne walked “…like a goddamn fairy.”
Signal on state finals …Cheers for all you Foothillers. Collectively, was that the most successful season ever?
Angry people die sooner. Runners lose their anger by running long, i.e., until the anger leaves them.
Canyon/Bro provides details and photos and links re state finals.
We returned to Eugene via Amtrak. The conductor was a tough, but fun dude. Announced folks consuming their own alcohol would be “tossed.” Ditto those folks yakking on their cell phones. Smoking? Not on the train, in the station, on Amtrak property. It was fun/kinda sad watching folks exit the train and hurry off the property to smoke. In the rain!