Author Archive

Wednesday, 1/31/18

Is icing good for runners?

Q&A with Alysia Montano

Kenny Moore loves Eugene. …Moore ran in the Olympic marathon at both Mexico City and Munich, finishing fourth in 1972.

More Moore

What Cross-Country Skiing Reveals About the Human Condition. I think you would like it. Take the day off. Drive to the snow (faster than waiting for it, which may involve more years than you have). Rent the skis. Get a 15 minute lesson. And you’re good to go.

After 45 Birthdays, Here Are ’12 Rules for Life’

Property next to Don is for sale. 425 steps from the Willamette River Trail.

Tuesday, 1/30/18

Goods Fats. Bad Fats

the morning shakeout

What You Can Learn from Fighter Pilots

As it happens, I’m now reading Carrying The Fire. It’s terrific. The book was gifted to me, and my first thought was to give it pass. But she (who must be obeyed) urged me otherwise, it being actually written by Michael Collins, a frank and funny account of the Apollo mission. “At the risk of alienating friends,” he writes, Collins provides a pros and cons paragraph on other astronauts he worked with the the 60s and 70s. Ouch! Glad he doesn’t know me to sum up for the world. Collins is now 87. …Recent Q&A video. …Here’s a link (that may not work) to the 1974 NYT book review …Tom Wolfe wrote a great book about fighter jocks, astronauts, and the space program. Read The Right Stuff

Alex Hutchinson/The New Yorker: Pushing the Limits of Extreme Breath-Holding

Monday, 1/29/18

Brain training to maximize performance

The 5K, Not The Marathon, Is The Ideal Race

Competition in its best form is a test of self. It has nothing to do with medals. The winner is the person who gets the most out of themselves. ~Al Oerter,the first track and field athlete to win gold medals in four consecutive Olympic Games

Mind is everything. Muscle – pieces of rubber. All that I am, I am because of my mind. ~Paavo Nurmi

Weekend, 1/27-28/18

This Flu Season Is the Worst in Nearly a Decade And getting worse.

The Startling Link Between Sugar And Alzheimers

Fascinating New Way Running Keeps You Younger

Big Data Comes to Dieting

Interesting. The Case for Density/Affordable Housing

What’s new at West Ranch?

The secret to raising resilient kids

Will trail running make me faster? Probably. Definitely happier, more smoothed out than when running on asphalt and in traffic.

NYT: How Are Your Running Resolutions Going? …And more

How To Be a Better, Smarter, Happier Meat Eater

Steve and Brad Q&A with Alex

About Tom Brady’s diet book.More

Sunday morning we did the Tracktown, USA workout at Hayward Field, most of the time jogging and walking with Tony Clement, a super nice guy raised on a dairy farm outside of Johnstown, PA. His dad would get up at 2:30 AM to milk the cows, and often also wake up one of kids to help. So you will not be surprised to learn Tony decided early on to be a runner, go to college, and get-the-hell off the farm. …He loves Eugene.

Recommended: Old Age: A Beginner’s Guide. Easy, wise, fun read, only 155 pages. …Excerpt: Mine Is Longer Than Yours

Friday, 1/26/18

Can you spot Libbie and Don in this video? Hint: 0:48 – 0:50. The tall, bearded guy in black is Ian Dobson, 2008 Olympian. The coach is Vin Lananna, USATF President. He agreed to do a Q&A.

The Avalon 50K is a very tough race on the mountains of Catalina. Six days ago our friend, Patricia DeVita, 82, finished in 11:33:08. (Ever run/walked for 11 hours?) Beat four others.

Tube time tomorrow on the indoor track. Details.

Insane. Only 6th with a 2:04:15. More

Semi-Rad: Is This What I Have to Do to Get Away from My Phone?

The Timeless Link Between Writing and Running and Why It Makes for Better Work. …Read: Ego is the Enemy

Now reading Walking to Hollywood. …First learned about Will Self while flipping the channels and stumbling upon Obsessed with Walking

How To Change Your Gait

Thursday, 1/25/18

NYT: The Mysterious Interior World of Exercise

NYT: How Smartphone Addiction Kills Manners and Moods

You shouldn’t rely on coffee or beer for daily hydration. More

We can’t normalize bigger, faster, farther anymore

Every step of practice should be directed to making the athlete better. …Fun rant.

Wise: Tyler Cowen’s 12 rules for life

Ever wonder about Philadelphia? …People I love dearly lived there. As did Ben Franklin. Birth place of the United States. Franklin Field. (Hayward Field is historic, but not as much as Franklin Field.) Killer museums and historic sites. Was often there for business stuff, mostly with Philadelphia lawyers. One day I was walking out of my hotel, and there was Dennis Olsen, my good running buddy from Santa Clarita, also there on business. So of course we went for a run.

Semi-Rad: None Of This Makes Any Sense And That’s Just Fine

Eugene is TurkeyTown USA

Wednesday, 1/24/18

Why are runners dumping the Nike Oregon Project?

Katelyn Tuohy, only 15, is amazing. Here’s why.

Can Climbing Mountains Make You Crazy? …Can ultrarunning make you crazy? Ask Dean Karnazes, others. Lots of stories about seeing, hearing, thinking crazy stuff after 12 hours of continuous running.

The Continental Divide Trail in One Second per Day

Best Exercises for a Strong Back. I like the Concept 2 rower at the gym, and often use that as a warm up for the treadmill, going about 10 minutes, 1700 meters. …In my next life, taller and more muscular, I want to be a rower. …Recommended: The Amateurs and The Boys in the Boat

Q&A with Steve Magness. …Recommended: Peak Performance

Q&A with Dorothy Parker. Very funny lady.

Inactivity, not running is bad for your knees

Amazon Go. The only one is in Seattle. Probably coming to your town soon. More.

I love Tibetan Peach Pie

More on Katelyn Tuohy

Tuesday, 1/23/17

The Running Test That Has Tormented Sport’s Biggest Stars Turns 50

Monday, 1/22/18

When Running Is More Than a Sport

Time, Time, Time, Look What’s Become of Me

‘Raw’ Water is Insulting

Is Your Child a Phone ‘Addict’?

Bret Favre wants grandsons to play golf, not football. …More.

Finally, someone is doing something about fake service dogs.

Furniture Matters

Weekend, 1/20-21/18

Weldon Johnson/LetsRun: 10 Things I Learned From The Best High School Cross-Country And Track Coaches In America

Christian Coleman races to indoor world indoor record

OMG: Adolescence now lasts from 10 to 24

NYT: Race Insurance? And more.

California ‘raw’ water fans pay $9 a gallon for Oregon tap water

Heart disease and stroke is the number one killer of men and women. When to Worry About Your Blood Pressure.