Wednesday, 4/10/19

Stulberg/Magness: Shalane Flanagan and the Power of Going All In. An excerpt from The Passion Paradox.

Are You Overdosing on Caffeine?

How Adventure Athletes Deal With Fear

The Case for Nothing

Tuesday, 4/9/19

How to Write Email with Military Precision

Dietary supplements do not help you live longer…

Monday, 4/8/19

OTC Elite heads to Flagstaff for altitude training. Apparently, they live high and train high.

Another view is to Live High, Train Low. …Galen Rupp, in Portland, sleeps high (in a thin oxygen tent) and trains low.

LAT: The bizarre story of the L.A. dad who exposed the college admissions scandal

Weekend, 4/6-7/19

We’re staying at the Prospect Hotel. Crater Lake is buried in snow (110 inches), but the plan is to go up there anyway and snowshoe as best and as close as we can.

What Gives With So Many Hard Scientists Being Hard-Core Endurance Runners?

Jen A. Miller/NYT: Getting That Elusive B.Q. And other great links. …Just renewed my subscription for another 6 months at the bargain rate (likely available to you) of $5.01 per week. That includes complete computer access and delivery of the mammoth paper Sunday edition within two feet of your front door.

Yet another problem for crisis-prone USATF

Because of recent snow at Crater Lake, and with vehicles unable to access, our ranger-led trek on snowshoes looped around the side of the mountain at elevations in excess of 6500 feet. We were tramping for 2.5 hours on snow in excess of 11 feet. Glorious! …Fun fact. If we gave every person living today an equal share of the water in Crater Lake, we would all get 660 gallons.

Age is no barrier: meet the world’s oldest top athletes

Friday, 4/5/19

Would life be better without alcohol?

And healthier?

About the parents indicted in the college admission scandal. They Had it Coming Read the whole thing. It’s like a Tom Wolfe novel.

How to Become Great at Just About Anything

Every decision my kids made me make in one day

Thursday, 4/4/19

NYT: The Heart of a Swimmer vs. the Heart of a Runner

Are sports drinks sending us to an early grave?

One in five people are eating themselves to an early death: Global study

Please just go outside and play. Why Even a Little Nature Is Good for Your Brain

In a few days we will do a ranger-guided snowshoe walk at Crater Lake. And maybe some cross country skiing.

Just finished Destiny of the Republic: A Tale of Madness, Medicine and the Murder of a President. James Garfield was two when his father died on a small Ohio farm, leaving behind a wife and four children. James only got several years of schooling. He was an innovative general in the Civil War. As a U.S. Senator, he went to the 1880 Republican convention pledged to John Sherman, the Ohio governor. In a deadlocked convention, the tide shifted to Garfield and awarded him the nomination he didn’t seek or want, family and farming being his true love… Excerpt. …Also recommended: Millard’s The River of Doubt.

Wednesday, 4/3/19

Week That Was

Q&A with Olympic Medalist (and Avid Naturalist) Lynn JenningsUpdate with pardner Bernd Heinrich.

What’s with Lauren Fleshman’s silence? She once camped out in Vin’s driveway when he was the athletic director at Oberlin College (2003-2005).

Tuesday, 4/2/19

Mark Covert, 68, ran at least one mile every day for 45 years, the second longest retired streak in modern history, 149,653 miles, (159,651 career miles), or 66.8% of a run from Earth to the Moon. You can read our Q&A in the 2019 April OTC Newsletter

Are You Overdosing on Caffeine?

Alex Hutchinson: Your Psychological Skills Can Predict Injury Risk

Digital Detox Reading List

Monday, 4/1/19

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez To Ask That A Tax On Distance Running Be Added To Green New Deal. And lots more.

April Fool, n. The March fool with another month added to his folly. ~Ambrose Bierce, The Devil’s Dictionary

The 5000m has been crucial for my career and has helped me to become the athlete I am today…~Eliud Kipchoge

My lady and Don are renewing our New Year’s resolutions for another 90 days. Don’s:

1. No alcohol, sugar, or junk.
2. Decaf only in the morning or at an outside function. Regular coffee only for long drives.
3. No gossip.
4. Decreased computer time.
5. Do procrastinated tasks assigned by my lady.
6. Do good works.
7. Increase sleep time.

You couldn’t call it flying. Photo

Weekend, 3/30-31/19

IAAF World Cross Country Championship Results

One Shoe, No Problems

Man Who Exercised Every Day Dies at 111. Even when he had to get out of his wheelchair to do it.

The Coddling of the American Mind

Jen A. Miller: The Races Are Virtual but the Running Is Real. With links.

Our book of the week: Aristotle’s Way

Q&A with Athing Mu

Reprise on our favorite 90+ athlete Colleen Milliman

“A phenom in basketball is different from a standout in other team sports because there’s no helmet on the kid and by the time he reaches junior year in high school and becomes an All-American, everybody knows who he is,” the agent said. “Everybody in that town knows him. Agents, college coaches, media and many other people in the basketball world know him. You and I went to college, matured, faced rejection at some point, and experienced failures and successes. You learn and you grow; it’s a healthy development. But these players – the five-star recruits who are known nationally – have a very unique development. From the time they’re 14 or 15 years old, they’re probably the most famous person in their community. …Read the whole thing. Here

World Cross Country Championships video. Wicked course.