
Weekend, 11/11-12/17

Honor the vets.

Pro tip from Pope Francis

One of the Quietest Places on Earth …With a big problem. See here.

“So they took the leg”

Now reading John McPhee’s Draft No. 4

Video: Commercial to Sell a 21-Year-Old Used Honda Accord

NYT: Running

Foothillers advance to CIF-SS Finals. Results.

NYT: How the ‘Shalane Flanagan Effect’ Works

Don’s Fitbit Weekly Totals: 100,634 steps 409 floors (4090′ elevation) 52.83 miles 15,257 calories
…A bit misleading from the usual with two long runs on Spencer Butte in 7 days. Probably 22 miles of walking. I run three days a week.

Signal: Six SCV cross country teams moving on to CIF-SS finals. …No, it was seven teams. Trinity Classical advances. And other than Valencia and Trinity, all the other teams are in Division 2. …Geez Louise, as we used to say. But anyway, has Foothill ever done so well? Not in my memory. …Canyon has photos.

Not there, but we still heart Hart

NYT love for Draft No. 4. …A truly engaging and fun read. Only 192 pages. The better you write, the better your life.

Consider Writing Your Way to Happiness

Eight Habits of Highly Successful People You Can Try Today.

Gazillionaire Mark Zuckerberg, shocked and weepy, says extent of opioid crisis was biggest surprise of US tour. …Consider the yearly stats. And that doesn’t include all the deaths of the screwed up, strung out folks you see (and mostly don’t see) on the streets in every town.

Friday, 11/10/17

4 Laws of Muscle

Athlete’s Guide to Healthy Grains. Sorry, no Fruit Loops.

The Best Route to Big Fitness? Small Steps

Doing push ups and sit ups may help you live longer.

NCBI study: “Low muscle strength was independently associated with elevated risk of all-cause mortality, regardless of muscle mass, MetS, sedentary time, or LTPA among US older adults”

Signal profiles Valencia’s Britain Reynolds

Always fun: The Master’s University 5K. …Mighty Master’s will be here.

…running wild in the streets, barking and yelling, breaking into businesses and even stripping naked.

Video: Find Yourself By Traveling And Getting Lost. …After 2.5 lackluster and safe years in college, I joined the Navy. And I took some leave and wandered about, alone and with no plan, in Europe. Both decisions changed me forever.

Make relationships, not things

48 Wild Hampsters

Thursday, 11/9/17

Why You Need to Bike California Highway 1 Right Now. …I’m thinking about it. I’m thinking about it.

Or better. Do this. Running Through the Heart of Navaho

LetsRun: Meb Memories

Deep Spring College. Where Women Are Invited to Govern Themselves

Joan Benoit Samuelson on Shalane’s Historic Win

Harvard Business Review on the new science of building great cross country teams.

Are the Amish right about new technology?

Crap exercise is ineffective for weight loss… Read.

You probably don’t want to read… Cancer Doctors Cite Risks of Drinking Alcohol

Q&A with Eliud Kipchoge

Wednesday, 11/8/17

Brad Stulberg: How to Build Up Your Willpower

Do Nike’s New Marathon Shoes Actually Make You Run Faster? Probably not as much if you lose ten pounds, run 130 miles a week at Mammoth (Flanagan), cut down/out the junk and booze, run track intervals, get more sleep, stay young…

How flawed science helped turn chocolate into a health food

Busted: 2016 Olympic Marathon Champion Jemima Sumgong.Cheating…

L.A. culture

Podcast with Alex Hutchinson re Seven Pillars of Running Wisdom. Starts at 17:00. Goes on for about 63 minutes.

Flotrack workout video: John Hopkins Men and Women. “Gotta find that next gear”

Tuesday, 11/7/17

Shalane Flanagan And The Triumph of American Women

In Meb’s Final Marathon, Exhaustion and Emotion

the morning shakeout

This Man Is Hiking from Patagonia to Alaska. …Others have tried it, says Meegan, but “they usually don’t finish because they fall in love.”

A small town in Virginia is home to the nation’s top-ranked boys’ cross country team.

Monday, 11/6/17

Santa Clarita Marathon results. …Signal story.

Autumn Trails 10 Miler results. …Don, oldest racer, was 30 minutes slower than his time in 2013, but othewise happy with the race. Very tough course, with 1900+ feet of elevation. …Mike Blackmore, 55, the winner, has some impressive PRs, a 3:57.46 mile, a 13:37.75 5000. And has had some American AG records. …The race is almost entirely up and around Spencer Butte, best place to run in Eugene, though some would say that distinction belongs to Hayward Field. …Spencer Butte video. Only the 16 mile goes to the top. …We were almost entirely on the Ridgeline Trail. Video. …We train on the trail once a week, usually early Sunday morning. Rarely are mountain bikes around in the morning, and otherwise not a problem. Everyone is extraordinarily pleasant.

NYT slide show: A Drizzly Day at the New York Marathon.

All the havoc a marathon wreaks on the human body

Q&A with Walter Isaacson: What Made Leonardo da Vinci a Genius? …My sweetheart now has the book and has mostly disappeared therein.

Michael Joyner, M.D., says he follows this diet.

Steve Job’s doctor provides rules to live longer

Happiness tips from The Happiest Man in the World. …Michael Paterniti is a very funny writer. I’m now enjoying Driving Mr. Albert

Laugh: 10 Tips to Lighten Your Backpack

NYT: The Running Bubble Has Popped

Weekend, 11/4-5/17

Keep moving. A lot. Tenacious 87-Year-Old Tames a Towering Climb

You’re probably weaker than you were yesterday. How should you train to retain muscle as you age? …What about working outside for hours every day- walking, raking, chopping, cutting, shoveling, pruning, painting, sweeping, building stuff…? It counts, yes?

NYT: Running: Spectator Tips, Hot Tubs and Bloody Marys

Why football sucks. Nick Buoniconti Will Donate Brain to Concussion Research. Left his son a quad since 1985, and Nick probably suffers from C.T.E.

Wow! Just finished Leonardo Da Vinci. Bastard. Unschooled. Probably the best painter of all time. And that was only part time work for him. Insatiably curious. Worked on 30 cadavers. …And so much more. Great gift for that reader in your life.

Just in from 11/10/15. IOC Ready To Strip Medals From Russians. Or maybe not. Alysia Montano is still waiting for her bronze medal.

NYT: How 6 Women Changed the New York City Marathon Forever. 45 years later and no uteri reported missing.

For fanboys and fangirls of Craig Leener and This Was Never About Basketball.

The Master’s Sweep at GSAC Cross Country Championships

Don’t Eat Before Reading This

Friday, 11/3/17

West Ranch boys, Saugus girls win Foothill titles. Story. …Canyon/Paul Broneer provides results and photos.

Check out the Quote of the Day at Lets Run.

Making a Difference

Running Behind Bars: They come from all over to run with inmates at state pen. Don did that several years ago. Unforgettable experience. …And then there is the San Quentin State Prison Marathon

Don Q&A with Kevin Marbury, Oregon Track Club President, in the 2017 November OTC Newsletter. …There are about 1500 members in the OTC.

Wilson Kipsang, The Former World-Record Holder Wants Redemption …Pro tip du jour. Read everything you can find by Roger Robinson.

Thursday, 11/2/17

The Week That Was in Running.

I know longer care about football, and until five minutes ago never heard about L.A Rams punter Johnny Hekker. Don’t miss the video/Pat McAffee’s hilarious comments.

It’s science. Sweat Science. Smiling Makes You a More Efficient Runner

Santa Clarita is in the top five percent of cities… A good thing?

Big Sis has four grandchildren, all attending Cardinal Newman High School, now burned down, in Santa Rosa. She reports: “The kids are all getting their classes in different places, and in different towns. … As you can imagine life is not simple. The teachers based on their subjects travel to each location. The different locations are based freshman, sophomore and etc……so the math teacher has to go to each location where her/his next class is.” …Big Sis and kin are not Catholics, but it’s a time for generosity. …Do you know anyone who is too generous? Definitely not Don, but he’s sending a check.

Steve Magness: Cult or Culture: What team are you creating?

Michael Joyner tweets: Suggest everyone do an extra set of core work and leg press today in honor of Gary Player’s 82nd birthday. Video.

Now reading: Leonardo Da Vinci. Terrific.

52 Pieces of Adventure Advice

Wednesday, 11/1/17

The Life and Adventures of Oregon’s Original Alpha Wolf. …when OR4 was in his prime, he killed an elk 33 miles from his den and then ran home in six hours, his belly full of meat (seven pounds?) to throw up to feed his pups. That meant a 66-mile round trip in rough country—with a vigorous elk hunt in the middle.

NYT: Running a Marathon? Think Hot Tub, Not Ice Bath, Afterward