73 Year Old Sets Western States Record.
George Hood, 60, Sets World Record with 10-Hour-Long Plank
And then there is The shortcut crowd
There’s no limit to longevity
Neighbor calls cops on 12-year-old mowing lawn. There’s a good ending.
US vs. UK Youth Development: How to Train Successful Endurance Athletes. There might be a clue therein for the rest of us.
We liked Oregon’s Amazing Painted Hills
Jen A. Miller/NYT: The State of Running, etc. …Last year, 59 percent of road race finishers were women, up from 57 percent in 2016.
1. 80 MPH!!!
2. Republican
3. Religious. Lotsa Mormans.
4. Inexpensive. We stayed with wealthy, retired Medical Doctors. 5 bedroom, 3 bath house, Beverly Hills quality landscaping, in best neighborhood. Valued at $360,000.
5. It’s legal to ride in the back of a pick-up.
Dave Barry: Annapolis
Ken Goe on track’s decline.
Scientific American on strength training, soccer, and concussions.
Link to 2018 July OTC Newsletter. …Don in photo at Masters Tuesday night workout.
Highly recommended: Won’t Your Be My Neighbor?