Monday, 4/22/19

The secrets of sports recovery. ….Two words. Sleep more. …And live longer and better

‘Uphill Athlete’ Confirms: Kilian Jornet Is Superhuman. …Credo: When in doubt, run uphill.

The Ups and Downs of Hiking as Therapy

Thinking on your feet.

Weekend, 4/20-21/19

“I told my wife, on my tombstone, don’t put that I was a quarter-miler coach,” he said. “I was a track coach.” …Clyde Hart, 85, retiring from Baylor. …For distance racers, doesn’t it all start and end with quarter repeats? Don started in 1961.

Or 500s! A few years ago, at the South Eugene High track, the coach delivered the shocking news, 500s vice 400s. It was brutal. We were not prepared mentally and had trouble adjusting

About Gene Dykes, 71,the ‘Ultrageezer.’ His average pace at the Boston Marathon was 6 minutes and 49 seconds per mile.

Eat like an apex predator’s apex predator. Liver! …Childhood nightmare. Couldn’t leave the table without finishing it.

Jen A. Miller/NYT: How the Marathon Went Down. With great links.

Ken Goe: Why college baseball and softball matter and track does not

The sugar in fruit doesn’t make it bad for you

Friday, 4/19/19

Week That Was

Why Do Americans Hate Bikes So Much?

Why women are outperforming men at the extremes of endurance. Read about Supermom Jasmin Paris

American Pot Pie chart …Now legal in Oregon, it seems like there is a pot store on every downtown corner. And a “homeless” tent.

The Truth About Dentistry

Thursday, 4/18/19

Some Colorado regents have begun to ask questions. “Football as played in America is a brutal 19th century sport that is highly destructive to the human brain,” Linda Shoemaker told fellow regents. “I don’t believe it has a place in the academic enterprise that is the University of Colorado.” …A Giant Laid Low by Too Many Blows to the Head

Doping: Drug testing methods stuck in the 1970s, says former WADA head

Joan Samuelson Wins Age-Graded Boston Marathon. …2018 Oregon Track Club Masters age-graded results. Roughly, 70.0% or higher is considered All American status.

Definitely another All American: Alex Honnold’s mom

The Lance Deal Q&A is done and will be available here (via link) in two weeks. Next up is Bettina Huber, current OTC Masters president, awesome volunteer, inherited. See here.

Wednesday, 4/17/19

Olympic Cyclist Rebecca Twigg Has Been Homeless for Over Four Years

This Is Kilian Jornet’s Everest Acclimatization Plan

Wake up, people: You’re fooling yourself about sleep, study says

Tuesday, 4/16/19

Editorial: UCLA has lost integrity…

the morning shakeout

Leave no runner behind

Hey, take a hike! The Best Hike in Every State. We’ve done Silver Falls. Hope to do others on the list. Better, though, with your honey, is to do regular outings on those awesome trails near your house.

But if hiking in San Francisco… Consider.

Hiking With Nietzsche

If you could bottle up sleep and sell it as a performance-enhancing drug it would be a billion dollar blockbuster. ~Brad Stulberg

What Are the Best DNA Kits for Fitness? …None. Your PCP would laugh at this.

Monday, 4/15/19

Ryan Hall’s marathon PR (2:04:58) was set at the 2011 Boston Marathon. Sara Hall is among the elites in today’s Boston Marathon. Some day we will be watching Hana Hall. …Update. Sara Hall was 15th.

Weekend, 4/13-14/19

London marathon runners to be given edible water bottles

Running Made Us Human: How We Evolved to Run Marathons

Could a woman walk around the world today?

Jen A. Miller/NYT: Pre-Gaming for the Boston Marathon. With other great links.

At age 17, Bonnie Richardson won the Texas state track team championship all by herself. Then she did it again. The Power of One

Yep, we’re tough, but this tough?

Just released. 10 minute film on You Tube. ELIUD

Friday, 4/12/19

I Don’t Care. I Love My Phone.

Sarah Sellers and the Craziest Schedule in Running …Another Sarah Sellers story.

The nutrition study the $30B supplement industry doesn’t want you to see.

How Do Drivers Not See That They’re the Worst?

Brad Stulberg on the cult of bro science.

The goal was to visit all 61 National Parks with Ruby, their daughter with Down Syndrome. Video.

Why Do People Love to Hate Steven Pinker?

Alex Hutchinson on how to maximize the caffeine advantage. If there is one.

Thursday, 4/11/19

Breakfast yesterday with Lance Deal, Olympic silver medalist, American record holder in the hammer for the past 22 years. We’re working on a Q&A. Fun guy.

NYT: Sitting for More Than 13 Hours a Day May Sabotage the Benefits of Exercise

About your energy/candy bar. Here. Not real food.

How the Boston Marathon Messes With Runners to Slow Them Down

John Burroughs: The Art of Seeing Things