Saturday, 2/27/21

12-Year-Old Drops 51 seconds 400m At Nationals …World record by 12 year-olds is Bryce Love’s 49.47. Later, Love was an outstanding running back at Stanford. He was drafted in the 4th round by the Washington Football Team (nee Redskins) in 2019 but, due to injury, hasn’t played a down.

Friday, 2/26/21

The Competitive Quartet

Thursday, 2/25/21

Bowerman’s living legacies: How Bill Bowerman’s three sons define themselves apart from their father

Textbook for Bowerman 101: here

Wednesday, 2/24/21

Treadmill installed today in our refurbished 100 year garage.

“Super-spikes aren’t going away, and I believe every track world record will fall in the next five years as a result.” …Read.

Gates of Fire by Steven Pressfield is the story of the 300 Spartans and the battle of Thermopylae, 480 BCE. It is required reading at West Point and Annapolis and for all officers in the U.S. Marine Corps. On the Commandant’s Reading List for all ranks since 2002. …Consider.

James N. Mattis, recently Secretary of Defense, retired four star Marine general, includes Gates of Fire on his list, My Favorite Books

Sunday, 2/22/21

‘Who The F*** Is Michael Jordan?’

Friday, 2/19/21

We’re a Year into COVID. We Still Drink Too Much. And dope. Legal in Oregon, and it seems like there’s a busy pot store on every corner.

Wednesday, 2/17/21

Consider The Glass Castle

Sunday, 2/14/21

Oregon milers go crazyWatch

Friday, 2/12/21

After a decade of mysterious running injuries and countless specialist visits… Read

Wednesday, 2/10/12

It took a full year for the service to design, approve and distribute a face mask — called a Combat Cloth Face Covering, or CCFC — for its soldiers, an effort that required an additional $43.5 million in contracts to provide temporary solutions. That comes out to about $45 per mask, if you assume every active-duty, National Guard and Reserve soldier received one. A pack of 20 N95 masks at Home Depot costs about $20. …Read