Thursday, 10/19/17


Q&A with Johnny Gray:

10 Basic Rules for Adventure:

Glenn Crabtree writes:   Have been running in the Las Vegas area and ran into Sylvia Mosqeda here.  She is still lightning fast and coaches some fast dudes.

Cowboy news:

Wednesday, 10/18/17

Good read:

400m hill repeats.  With serious stretching before and after: 

About disgust, death, danger, and more besides.


Tuesday, 10/17/17

Smartphones more deadly than terrorists.

Now if you would just lose some pounds…

Ban the heiny huggers?


Monday, 10/16/17

Where’s The Proof That Mindfulness Meditation Works?

Yesterday we saw:

Yes, you’re independent, tough-minded, but would you take your kids to school in a plywood box?

Great coach:

Weekend, 10/14-15/17

Running in NYT:

Whatever problem you’re struggling with is probably addressed in some book somewhere written by someone a lot smarter than you. …Read:

A brilliant illustration of how much public space we’ve surrendered to cars.  …Know anyone who runs or bikes to the workout?




Friday, 10/13/17

Foothill #2 results:

Ode to Joy:

The Sacrifices We Make:

Not a sacrifice.  Must do.>





Chocolate Spokes: A Film About Bicycles

Chocolate Spokes: A Film About Bicycles

The African Edge

The African Edge – 8 key points of running wisdom from Saltin, Noakes and Horwill

Run With a Researcher


Weekend, 9/30-10/1/17

Must read: The Seven Pillars of Running Wisdom