
Friday, 8/3/18

Alex Hutchinson: How Emotional Intelligence Boosts Your Endurance

Eugene to plant 2000 giant sequoias for 2021 World Track & Field Championships

NYT: Worshiping the False Idols of Wellness

Lucy Walker was the first woman to summit the Matterhorn and the Eiger—in a billowing dress…

Thursday, 8/2/18

Mark Covert has written a book. Details. He was my coach in the mid 80s. Good guy! …Historical link with Nike.

USATF expected to award Eugene the 2020 Olympic trials. …Along with friends up from Santa Clarita, we attended the 2012 and 2016 Trials. What a thrill. Here’s the kinda sad/creepy thing. After the race, the runners are chased off the track within a minute or so of just seeing their Olympic dreams destroyed, and there’s a roped path they have to get to a less public place. And to see the blank/shocked look in their eyes…

NYT: Take a Vacation From Exercise? Your Body May Not Thank You

Jonathon Marcus: What Have You Earned?

A leading researcher explains the obesity epidemic

Semi-Rad: How to tell people at the gym you’re not climbing the Dawn Wall (or racing Badwater 135) this year.

Louie Luchini on the Stanford “Machine, Best Ryan Hall Story, and…

It’s a fact. Eugene to host 2020 U.S. Olympic Trials

Wednesday, 8/1/18

American adults spend over 11 hours per day interacting with media. Story

Shelby Houlihan gives props to her cat (registered emotional support animal) for helping her breakthrough and more in Week That Was.

Hike now while you can. Grappling with Mortality in the White Mountains

Why Children Aren’t Behaving, And What You Can Do About It

I thought I was showing my kids how tough I was. Instead, I almost died.

2018 August OTC Newsletter

Tuesday, 7/31/18

Lawson Craddock’s Amazing Last-Place Finish In The Tour De France

Charlie Allie, 70, gets the world record for the over-70, 400 meters with a 59.18. Story. Most of us have never gone sub 60.

Fun story about going sub 60 on no training. Here.

Why You Get Shortness of Breath When Climbing Stairs

Jonathon Marcus is back from vacation with Wins and Losses. And why most of us need to keep racing.

the morning shakeout

Breaking news: The vest vending machine at San Francisco’s airport is…

The most successful people on the planet are also the people likeliest to devote an hour a day to reading and learning. Read.

Monday, 7/30/18

If you are losing speed, it’s because you aren’t doing enough pure speed work to maintain it. Consider

Intensity is what separates the champions from the wannabes.

Exercise is the best antioxidant

Video: Kilian Jornet is injured.

2018 USATF National Masters Track & Field Championship results. Yes, we should have been there.

Weekend, 7/28-29/18

Harvard scientists say these 5 things can prolong your life by a decade

And one more thing. Change your habits. …Short term pain. Long term gain.

Forever George Young

New Jersey school superintendent’s job is down the toilet. Why? …He left it all out on the track.

Migrants invade nude beach.

Jen A. Miller/NYT: Favorite Runners Share Their Favorite Running Books

Video: Myth Vs. Fact: Sunscreen

Big Changes at Autzen Stadium. I’d care if a football fan.

Q&A with David Epstein. Good introduction to his terrific book, The Sports Gene. Lots of good stuff about runners. Especially good is the chapter entitled Sled Dogs, Ultrarunners, and Couch Potatoes. …Did mom and dad give us the will and heart of Zorro, the wonder dog? Is there a gene for that? …Another tidbit in the book. With the death of Mao, the Chinese sports federation (government), hoping to get into the world’s sport scene, brought together 6 ft 7 in dad and 6 ft 3 in mom, both prominent basketball players. The result was 7 ft 6 in Yao Ming.

Going the Distance: A Reading List on Running

Friday, 7/27/18

Steve Magness: How to Run: Running with proper biomechanics …Have you ever been instructed and monitored by a running coach fully invested in your success? It’s never to late for all of us to improve and/or minimize chances of injury. …Get some film on yourself during various phases in a race. Likely you’ll look worse as you tire.

No racing/film tonight for Don at the All-Comers. Was going to do the 800 or 1500. But at 92 degrees?

But anyway, I’m now reading David Epstein’s The Sports Gene. In the 90s, leading up to the 2000 Sydney Olympics, Australia tested the athleticism of every school kid between 14 and 16 for body size and athleticism. …As a percentage of population, Australia won 10 times as many medals as the United States. …At least in my day, physical education in the public schools was a joke. Is it any better today? Hardly. Study. …”In the United States, the percentage of children and adolescents affected by obesity has more than tripled since the 1970s. Data from 2015-2016 show that nearly 1 in 5 school age children and young people (6 to 19 years) in the United States has obesity.”

Brad Stulberg: The Equation That Will Make You Better at Everything

Show Up

Must read. Amby Burfoot: Alamosa 1968: The Historic First U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials. …Burfoot, who won the Boston Marathon in 1968, was injured and didn’t compete.

Alex Hutchinson: Lessons from Watching the World’s Best Runners

Thursday, 7/26/18

Week That Was.

So What HAPPENED to Oregon Track?

Alex Hutchinson: The Case for Varying Your Nutrition and Recovery

Inside story at the U.S. Supreme Court: The Highest Court in the Land

Age grading: how masters runners level the playing field

USA Masters Track Championships this weekend in Spokane. 915 old boys and girls competing.

Semi-Rad: Nostalgia is A Mother

Freakonomics: Has Lance Finally Come Clean? …Truly contrite?

Wednesday, 7/25/18

What’s the point of your session?

Americans eating more.

Lance on the loose

School sued over heat stroke to cross country runner.

Like: Des Linden and the long run

Jerry Schumacher’s strength training secrets

Rich guys (yes, just guys) plan to save themselves after the apocalypse

Brunch in Brooklyn at Carthage Must Be Destroyed. Don survived Brooklyn for two years without air conditioning. Quien es mas macho?

Do it now. The conditions are always impossible. ~Doris Lessing

Tuesday, 7/24/18

Q&A with Shelby Houlihan

Europe Knows Track Meets

I believe that a scientist looking at nonscientific problems is just as dumb as the next guy. ~Richard Feynman