
Monday, 4/16/17

Des destroys field in Boston.Details.

50 years after winning the Boston Marathon, Amby gives it another go …Current regimen: cycles of four minutes of running followed by one minute of walking and another four minutes of running; repeat until finished.

‘I was a teacher for 17 years, but I couldn’t read or write’

Magness Speaks — Why We are Bad at Predicting Our Own Behavior and What that Means in Coaching

Matt Nali reports SCV Hurdles/Sprints will become SCV Track & Field in 2019.

New Research Is Changing the Game for Female Athletes

Boston Marathon results.

On the Merits of Letting Kids Play With Fire.

Ya gotta love Yuki Kawauchi

COC XC Finals.And more.

Weekend, 4/14-15/18

Alex Henderson: How Your Workout Partner Boosts Your Performance

“Just One More” …Perfect! If there’s not a coach around (or a tough partner), when do we really push it? …Last year, expecting the usual 400s, the coach said, “no, it’s 500s today.” We were all experienced old boys and girls, but 500s? It was really tough. But we all survived.

Eleanor Fulton: On Regret

Jen Miller/NYT: The Boston Marathon Rundown, a Major Comeback, SARMs, and more

The coach is the teacher

Stay Away from Most Popular Entertainment

Friday, 4/13/18

Breaking news. Don’s wrong. In fact, Mariah Castillo bettered the Saugus 3200 marks of Shannon Murakami, and Kaylon Mahoney (10:25.40), and Samantha Ortega (10:20.25). Paavo, formerly an outstanding Orange County star, almost as old as Don, sent in a correction.

Must read: Jonathon Marcus’ A Runner’s Movement Signature. Possibly you’ve seen my form and I’ve seen yours. Neither are pretty, fluid, or efficient. And might cause injuries. What are we doing to improve on that? What does your coach say, if anything? If nothing, is that malpractice?

Thursday night results at the OTC 5/10K at Alton Baker Park here. Craig Godwin wins the 10. Don, oldest dude in the 5, wins AG, first race in five months. A minute slower than last year.

Oh-oh. One extra glass of wine ‘will shorten your life by 30 minutes’

Ken Goe provides Boston Marathon commentary, links, and more. …Don’t miss the Boston Globe story on the three year old investigation into Alberto Salazar and the Nike Oregon Project.

Thursday, 4/12/18

Alex Hutchinson: Why It Matters How You Think About Pain

Magness Speaks — The Myth of Losing Speed

Nike commercial: Shoe Therapy – It’s Gotta Be The Shoes

Semi-Rad: Climbing Out Of A Huge Metaphor

Wednesday, 4/11/18

Excerpt from Deena Kastor’s Let Your Mind Run

Dockweiler Extension Approved

Why I Still Have Stress Dreams About Running Track

Blaze The Continental Divide Trail. Probably in my dreams only.

Global meat demand if everyone ate like the average citizen of…

Cortisone shots?

Tuesday, 4/10/18

CORRECTED VERSION: Zach Schroeder, head track and cross country coach at Master’s, writes: TODAY at 6pm at City Hall there will be a discussion about expanding Dockweiler to Railroad. This expansion would greatly enhance the safety of Placerita Canyon, and specifically alleviate traffic on Placerita Canyon Road. I believe this would enhance the safety of runners and cyclists. Can you help me spread word to the running and cycling community that we need help supporting the city’s measure to expand this road? All we need are individuals to arrive at City Hall by 5:30 pm and sit in attendance. The visual support for this measure would greatly enhance the likelihood of the road eventually going through. The more individuals we have that support this measure the safer it will be for runners and cyclist alike.

Don here. That’s a great idea. Back when, there was no Central Park, and cross country meets bounced around Santa Clarita. With CP, the course kept changing, rarely for the better. One memorable course had runners jumping off curbs, running through the parking area, actually dodging moving cars. So about 15 years ago, a few of us started showing up at the monthly Parks & Recreation meetings at City Hall, and speaking during the public comments portion of the meeting. Every month for five months. Most local coaches were not interested, but Dave Delong was there and gave an excellent talk. Eventually, a Signal reporter came up with a terrific story, filled with some funny and juicy quotes from the community. And a few days later a city councilperson spread the word that the city and community needed to talk, and we did at CP. The result being what you see today.

Nearly one million people run in Beijing’s Olympic Forest Park each day. On China as an emerging force in running. Here.

the morning shakeout

Deena Kastor on Boston: No Pressure, All Gratitude

Go here for video on Happiest Countries and The Lost Coast.

Video: How Alberto Salazar Trains Mental Toughness In Running

Monday, 4/9/18

Eleanor Fulton, “a card-carrying Nervous Person,” on Pre-Race Anxiety and Why it Doesn’t Matter

William Blake in Doc Martens. Totally kick-ass.

Will Mt. SAC, Eugene, or Sacramento host the 2020 U.S. Olympic Trials?

Scientific American on dog farting. Possibly all you will ever need or want to know.

Weekend, 4/7-8/18

Andrew Wheating, The Coach

To avoid back pain, lift heavy things.

Brad Stulberg: The Case For Not Changing a Thing

How to Enhance Performance on Competition Day

Ryan Holiday’s 42 Books That Will Make You A Better Person (Each Described In 1 Sentence) We recommend Holiday’s Ego Is the Enemy and The Obstacle Is the Way. …There are so many greats out there we avoid. Middlemarch was one of those for me. Even made a couple runs into it and stalled out in the first chapter. Finally, after again noticing some very, very smart people (not English majors, like Stephen Hawking), saying it’s one of the best books ever… Now a third through and loving it. Very funny.

Kobe Bryant Creates Foundation…

Jen Miller/NYT: Coaching, Bananas, and Mystery Illness

Pepsi Invitational results. Conditions poor. Don, fair weather fan, did not appear.

Read du jour: What the Arlee Warriors Were Playing For

Ken Goe On the practicality of Hayward’s east side… …Vin Lananna, former UO head coach and still UO something-or-other, says UO spends over $100,000 yearly to keep the east side from collapsing. Like wine, its fine in its time, but…
BTW, the old west side was about to collapse in the mid 70s. It was replaced with the present structure for less than a million.

Mariah Castillo breaks Saugus school record in the 3200. …Shannon Murakami had the previous school record, 10:31.24, set in 2007.
…Mariah blew away Lauren Fleshman’s Foothill record (set in 1999) by nine seconds. …Still no track& field stories in The Signal since March 15.

NYT: Jane Brody’s Personal Secrets to Lasting Weight Loss

Friday, 4/6/18

She Used Bananas for Axle Grease and Elephant Fat for Motor Oil

Coach suspended for holding a voluntary track and field practice on a snow day

Tracktown Tuesday recap. OK, but fails to reflect on the spirit and warmth and fun. Everyone loved Justin’s portion, and cheered him with gusto. Johnson and Ferris were full of fun facts and exaggerations, and most would have gladly stayed another hour. …Read Phil Knight’s Shoe Dog.
Therein Knight reports Johnson, his sole (heh,heh) employee would bombard him with letters and phone calls, most of them unanswered and/or ignored.

Tomorrow we will probably attend the Pepsi Invitational. Craig Godwin, 50, who once lived in Santa Clarita, is in Event 7, the Mixed Mile. Last year Godwin set a world age group record in the 25,000m. …More on Craig Godwin.

Below you will find our March report to the local Audubon Society on birds sighted on or from our property. Only birds new for the month are reported after the first of the month.

Birds, 109 E. Hillcrest Drive, Eugene

Libbie Marshall and Don McLean, March 2018

March 1
American Crow 2
White-crowned Sparrow 3
Dark-eyed Junco ~20
Townsend’s Warbler 1
Canada Goose ~10
California Quail 11
Varied Thrush 1
Northern Flicker 1
Downy Woodpecker 1
Mourning Dove 2
Western Scrub Jay 2
Yellow-rumped Warbler 1
Bushtit 6
Black-capped Chickadee 1
Song Sparrow 1
Anna’s Hummingbird 1
House Finch ~20
House Sparrow 3
Spotted Towhee 2
European Starling 1
Chestnut-backed Chickadee 1
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1

March 2
Turkey Vulture 1
American Robin 3

March 3
Fox Sparrow 1
Golden-crowned Sparrow 3

March 4
Red-breasted Nuthatch 1

March 5
Pine Siskin 2

March 6
Mallard 2
Red-tailed Hawk 1

March 9
Eurasian Collared-Dove 1

March 14
Lesser Goldfinch 2
Bald Eagle 4

March 25
Wild Turkey 4


California Quail: The covey is now down to seven birds, five males & two females. Predation, power struggle result, or mate search?

Northern Flicker: We are still seeing hybrid birds; this morning, a female with a red-naped crescent visited one of our suet feeders. We will keep our eyes out for the male with the black malars and the female with the all grey head. We have several others that have the markings of the red-shafted except that they are “pumpkin-shafted.” (See photo that I took a while back)

Yellow-rumped Warbler: We have had up to six at the feeders at one time…prolific this year.

Bald Eagle: We had four adult bald eagles soaring over our home on the 14th. They looked to be two twosomes. Our former record for the number of Bald Eagles seen at the same time above our home was two.

Wild Turkey: A new bird species for our property but not a surprise as we saw 13 on E. Hilliard on 1-13-18. The four seen on 3-25 were all hens.

Thursday, 4/5/18

Alex Hutchinson: Best Way to Pace a Marathon

A Woman’s Struggle With the Fear of Camping Alone

Perhaps you need a Palatial Mountain Getaway

Are You Serious or Curious?

Scientific American: Resisting Technology, Appalachian Style

Concern Yourself With Running Well. Is your form the best it can be?