Author Archive

New Year’s Weekend, 12/30-1/1

Can We Talk About Your Drinking?

Are You A Jerk?

Sensitivity readers? For snowflakes.

January, 2018 Oregon Track Club Newsletter

NYT: How to Make (and Keep) a New Year’s Resolution, etc.

For those who procrastinate. I haven’t read it, but I will later.

Men Resist Green Behavior as Unmanly

NYT: A Tiny Vermont Town (3000 residents). 11 Olympians. Spawned Andrew Wheating.

Dave Barry’s 2017 Year in Review

Q&A with Justyn Knight, 2017 NCAA XC Champ. I met him, along with some Syracuse mates, at the South Eugene High School track when he was a freshman, in town for the track National Championships. They were all friendly guys, but Justyn was especially so, bright and very chatty.

On Sunday the Lane County Audubon Society did it’s annual bird count, mostly by groups in the field. We did ours within the confines of our property and reported:

Spotted Towhee 4
Dark-eyed Junco 12
Golden-crowned Sparrow 1
White-crowned Sparrow 8
Fox Sparrow 1
Black-capped Chickadee 3
Anna’s Hummingbird 1
Bushtit ~20
Pine Siskin 1
American Crow 14
European Starling 8
Scrub Jay 3
House Finch 23
House Sparrow 12
Cooper’s Hawk 1
American Robin 4
Northern Flicker 3
Red-breasted Nuthatch 2
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1
Song Sparrow 1
Varied Thrush 1
Yellow-rumped Warbler 2 (both Audubon’s)
Mourning Dove 2
California Quail 11

Friday, 12/29/17

Starting rehab early can speed recovery from muscle injuries

The best photographs of 2017. …More here and here. …Thee and me need to get out more.

If you plan on qualifying for the Canyon track & field team… Consider.

He’s 79 and working full time at Walmart…

We need to call American breakfast what it often is: dessert

Thursday, 12/28/17

NYT: Exercise, Add Intensity, Live to See Another Year

“Marrying the right person is the single most important decision you’ll ever make in your life. …More. …Don’t be stupid.

TRE Flyers workout. …Coach Ian Dobson was a 10 time All American at Stanford. And an Olympian. …Q&A

Watch Alex Honnold Get Animated About El Cap

Make 2018 The Year Of Maximum Enthusiasm

Wednesday, 12/27/17

Many Elements of Running Were Once Banned


Focus! Avoid caffeine? Wait a sec.

Surround yourself with people that push you to do and be better. No drama or negativity. Just higher goals and higher motivation. Good times and positive energy. No jealousy or hate. Simply bringing out the absolute best in each other. ~Warren Buffet

‘Let Your Mind Run’: Olympian Deena Kastor Talks Mental Strength

Coming soon. Bike Paths Paved With Toilet Paper

Tuesday, 12/26/17

the morning shakeout

Christmas, 12/23-12/26/17

Is Endurance Training Killing Your Strength?

Most Important Health Lessons of 2017

Fitness Trends of 2018

Pro tips from The Harvard Business Review: To Get People to Change, Make Change Easy

NYT: Running: Fitness Trackers, Body Shamers and Salad Eaters

Tianna Bartoletta (seven gold medals in international competition): What I look for in a coach

When I first came here we had four kids breaking five minutes in the mile. Now we have 27. … That’s what I love about (coaching). To see the kids who, for three years, are busting their butt every day to break five minutes as a senior. That’s what makes it worth it. ~Tim Broe, Olympian, now coaching high school track and cross country. More.

How running the 800 has changed. When did you last race the 800? A while, I’m guessing. And then there’s the mile. Same question. (I do one mile race a year.) …Consider.

Consider what American Buddy Edelen did the week before breaking the world marathon record. See here.

Pabst is selling a 99-can case of its Blue Ribbon brew. Merry Chrismas

Friday, 12/22/17

You say, “I want to win at Olympia.” …If you do, you will have to obey instructions, eat according to regulations, keep away from desserts, exercise on a fixed schedule at definite hours, in both heat and cold; you must not drink cold water nor can you have a drink of wine whenever you want. You must hand yourself over to your coach exactly as you would to a doctor. Then in the contest itself you must gouge and be gouged, there will be times when you will sprain a wrist, turn your ankle, swallow mouthfuls of sand, and be flogged. And after all that there are times when you lose. ~Epictetus, Discourses 15.2-5

Handel’s Messiah on Los Angeles’ Skid RowVideo.

Amby Burfoot: Your Body: “Use It Or Lose It”

Sitting Near a High-Performer Can Make You Better at Your Job. …Running with faster runners…

Semi-Rad: How Do You Define Adventure?

Q&A: Almaz Ayana training insights. …”I have no distraction from social media…” …Her 29:17.45 WR in the 10,000 was almost 14 seconds better than the previous best that stood since 1993. But sez: “My speed is not so good.”

Thursday, 12/21/17

December 21 is the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year

NYT: Get Off Your Ass! Or die.

NYT: In an Unforgiving Sport, They Minister to Hearts and Souls Could that work for a high school cross country team? Don and his xc team mates were a bunch of screwballs.

Science sez. Why You Should Keep Running During Stressful Times

Alex Hutchinson (and science) suggests brain zapping.

Check out Ovarian Psycos

Now enjoying Deep South. Paul Theroux amidst “the deplorables” and the poor. He doesn’t pull his punches. Politically incorrect. Very funny. But still empathetic.

Laugh here: The ‘Drop’ That Enraged Pittsburgh

Semi-Rad: How to talk to your family about ice climbing (or running) during the holidays

Napping 101

Bill Walsh’s Four Strategies to Avoid Burnout. Runners can relate. Finally, win or lose, it’s just another day in the office. Move on.

Wednesday, 12/20/17

Forget the Vaporfly. All I want for Christmas… Bionic Boots

7 Ways to Get Your Kids into Running

Steve Magness: Long Term Athlete Development: A Case Study of a 9:15 HS 2-miler becoming a sub 2:17 marathoner

Bone injuries/stress fractures in running.More.

Why are Americans so unhappy and suffering so much pain?

McDonald’s launching the McVegan burger. …We miss the McLean Deluxe.

Tuesday, 12/19/17

Oops, we were not on the same southbound… The train accident was on an alternate route believed safe for higher speeds.

Q&A: What It Takes to Climb Mt. Everest

Chris Froome Just Killed Pro Cycling …And then there is Justin Gatlin

Four Illinois Running Icons Remember Competing Against Coach Joe Newton. …”Thousands of Lives Changed for the Better” …That we could all have that on our tombstone.

95% of injuries are the fault of the coach

NYT: The Top 10 Well Stories of 2017

the morning shakeout

A favorite novel this year is now an audiobook. …I read three times.

While I know my hard workouts will decline, I never want them to go away completely… there’s nothing that can replace that stride sync, mind meld, drunk-on-effort feeling. Forever my drug of choice. ~Sally Bergesen

About “food deserts”