Jen A. Miller/NYT: Muscle Loss, Bathroom Scales, and Kindness
Pro Runners’ Salaries
Fifth Avenue Mile on the tube, Sunday, 9 AM, PDT
Diane Leather Charles, First Woman to Break 5-Minute Mile, Dies at 85
Fifth Avenue Mile results. …So how would you have finished in your age group? Yes, I know you’re not a miler, and Don isn’t either, but how are you going to improve on your 5K, or any race beyond the mile, if you don’t know and don’t work on, improve your mile time? …Every town should have mile races for all ages at least once a year. …I raced an All-Comers track mile in July, finishing in 7:56.84.
Michael Johnson, 50, experienced a mini-stroke. …In January, Don had the same, or maybe a TGA No hospitalization. Got every possible, imaginable test of the brain and heart. The last test was a 24 hours per day heart monitor for 30 days. The final verdict? You’re OK, no need for drugs or anything new. From day one I was told I could run as much I wanted, and I did. In fact, I raced a 5K with the monitor. …My father and older sister had TIAs and recovered sans further stroke/heart scares.