I have a library card and I’m not afraid to use it. More
I always thought it was pretty stupid to hire someone to tell you how to run. Who doesn’t know how to run? ~Gene Dykes, 70, now within 30 seconds of Ed Whitlock’s awesome world record. …Story
NYT: Who Says Allie Kieffer Isn’t Thin Enough to Run Marathons?
From Mt. Shasta City, CA.
Yesterday No. 1 son and Don hiked Black Butte. …Photo. …Mt. Shasta in the background, the top obscured by clouds.
Alex Hutchinson: How to Run Faster
Why Did the Flu Kill 80,000 Americans Last Year? Less than half of Americans get an annual flu shot.
Lonely Planet: The best places to travel in 2019
Long-distance running poses a greater risk of gut damage than other endurance sports. Story. …Really?
If you can do a half-assed job of anything, you’re a one-eyed man in the kingdom of the blind. ~Kurt Vonnegut
Jack Kerouac And The Irish Runners’ Pipeline To Villanova
On any given day in America, about one-third of adults will eat fast food. Story. …And the higher their income, the more likely they are to do so.
Cam Levins broke the Canadian national record for the marathon, 2:09:25, fueled by sweet tea. …Back in the day, 1960, swimmers and some runners swore by honey.
Supplements? Only about a quarter of Americans who take supplements are taking them at the recommendation of a physician.
20 sad running stories in only 3 words …Don: Racing hard downhill.
Goe on The Foz. Check out that statute. We will. Corvallis is an hour from Eugene.
Not exercising worse for your health than smoking, diabetes and heart disease
12 Authors Write About the Libraries They Love. …I’m guessing a study would prove readers live longer. And are happier. That’s me. It’s a sure bet I’m happier after a visit to the library, usually every other week, with 8-10 books checked out. …Why do women read more? …Got a relative about my age, witty, wealthy, graduate of a major university. Every time I see him, about every few years, he says aloud and in a group, “I don’t understand why you people read books.”
Smithsonian: Growing Up Surrounded by Books Could Have Powerful, Lasting Effect on the Mind
Icelanders bought 47% fewer books in 2017 than they did in 2010. Que pasa? …BTW, I want to go to Iceland.
Alex Hutchinson: The Most Valuable Training Data Is Surprisingly Simple
Jen A. Miller/NYT: Running
Michael Lewis on The Library Book. About the fire at the Central Library in Los Angeles. And more. If living in the area, you really must go there. Take the train! Walk the city. Lunch at the Biltmore. Drinks or dinner at the revolving restaurant, 34th floor, Westin Bonaventure. …In 1960, the Dems had their convention in Los Angeles, staying at the Biltmore. I went down there with a buddy, visiting the candidates’ proselytizing suites on the main floor, pretending we gave a damn. The Adlai Stevenson people were especially nutty, and strongly urged us to join them at the convention hall, Sports Arena, to scream for Adlai. We didn’t bite. Wish we had. That would have been a fun memory.
Blind since 13… Conquering Mt. Everest, Against All Odds
Excerpt: University of Nike
Video: Tracktown Tuesday, 10/16/18 The whole show! Pay special attention to the interviews with champions Phyllis Francis and Dick Fosbury. …Statue of Foz to be unveiled today at Oregon State University. Tomorrow is the 50th anniversary of winning the gold medal.
Really funny links from Semi-Rad. Another Justin Gallegos fanboy.
Ya gotta love… Bob Beamon, Mike Powell, and why the long jump world record is so old
Excerpt from Eliud Kipchoge – History’s fastest marathoner…
Justin Gallegos Still in Shock From His Surprise Nike Contract. Indeed. Justin and Don chatted at Tracktown Tuesday. He can’t seem to wipe that smile and glow off his face. And he looks taller too. He says no, but, trust me, I now look up to him in more ways than one.
How Much Is Aging Really Going to Slow You Down?
Yuki Kawauchi, The World’s Most Famous Amateur Runner, Explains Why He’s Finally Going Pro
Semi-Rad: Newton’s Third Law of Exercise Motion
Last night we heard from Dick Fosbury. Good guy. Got his autograph. Shook his hand. He won the gold medal on 10/20/68.
Why intellectuals should not be afraid to like sports. Foz is an engineer and intellectual.
Also got a hug from Colleen Milliman. Has her sights on the 400 world record in the spring. Vin Lananna came over later to chat her up, but, tellingly, didn’t get a hug.
Video: Running Wild in the Alps
It’s Okay to Be Good and Not Great.
Forget the Vaporfly! Run 8% Faster!!!