Alex Hutchinson: There Might Finally Be a Cure for Overtraining …A sports drink regimen costing $99 per day.
Ranked: The most impressive athletic feats of elected politicians
Must see: Matt Boling anchor.
Alex Hutchinson: There Might Finally Be a Cure for Overtraining …A sports drink regimen costing $99 per day.
Ranked: The most impressive athletic feats of elected politicians
Must see: Matt Boling anchor.
Just because the sports car is red doesn’t mean it’s gonna go fast
Amby Burfoot: This Is the Ultimate Book for Running Fans. …Robinson is a terrific writer. Just ordered the book.
Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt. More.
Does Track & Field Have A Popularity Problem? Or A Marketing Problem?
Against Advice. …Really, who wants your/my advice?
The Surprising, Infuriating Power of Overconfidence
Playing field is not level when female-identified transgender athletes compete with girls
Jen A. Miller/NYT: Why I Can’t Wear Flip-Flops. With links.
Craig Leener’s newest is near. Read. We loved his first, This Was Never About Basketball. …Craig was a great sponsor for The Beast Run. We raised a lot of money for the Food Pantry.
Steven Pinker recommends: 10 Colleges Where You Won’t Have To Walk on Eggshells. …Pinker, who teaches at Harvard, says, “Harvard’s OK, but could do better.” …Is your alma mater on this list?
A Victory for Female Athletes Everywhere
If your 12yr old is the best runner in the school or city or the country, you should allow them to enjoy every minute of it. If you think it means that they are going to be one of the best as an adult, then your focus is 100% in the wrong place. Please let kids enjoy being kids. ~hansonsrun twitter
The Medics Keeping Ultrarunners Alive
Steve Magness How to Run: Running with proper biomechanics. Have you ever run for a coach who really gave a hoot about your mechanics? I mean, who hounded you about your crappy form, inefficient and likely to lead to injury.
OMG! Smoking pot could get people to exercise more, study shows, Science based on 600 responses via Facebook.
David Epstein: The Peculiar Blindness of Experts
More traces of immortality. A gift for that special person?
Video (0:20): Keeping running
Ken Goe’s take on last night’s TrackTown Tuesday. As it happens, we spent time this morning with a TrackTown USA source. He thinks/methinks all is well. 2020/Hayward Field will be awesome.
Share Mario’s like: Bored and lonely? Blame your phone.
Now reading, slowly and with enjoyment: The Discovery of Slowness.
Reading in the Age of Constant Distraction
Podcasts. Internet for our ears?
Just in from the Harvard Business Review: How to Stop Worrying About What Other People Think of You
On the 65th anniversary of the first sub-four. What We Can Learn from Roger Bannister. …Read Twin Tracks: The Autobiography.
Kipchoge plans ‘super human’ 1:59 marathon in October. …With gimmicks.
A Simple Solution to Millennial Burnout. Aristotle’s advice was to pursue the golden mean.
While we don’t do religion and politics here, this is irresistible. Richard Holbrooke was a jerk…
What No One Is Telling You About Caster Semenya: She Has XY Chromosomes
Jen A. Miller/NYT: The Fear of Trying Again. …The NYT paywall is absent through Sunday. Details.