Do You Have to Be a Jerk to Be Great?
Nine-Year-Old Runs Ridiculous 400m!
Video (4:59): Jacob Ingebrightsen: The Kid That Just Keeps Getting Faster
The Biggest Myth About Muscle “Burn” and Soreness
Q&A with Harvey Lewellen, world record holder for 90 year old hammer throwers. Here.
Tree-huggers flock to Google summit in private jets, mega yachts to talk climate change
119 Years Old and Winning Marathons—Or Not?
Four years ago. Justin Gallegos and Emma Coburn
The wisdom of Herb Elliott.
Ken Goe: The domestic season comes to an end, and we say goodbye until 2020: Oregon track & field rundown. Sigh. We check in every day.
Video: Dalilah Muhammad breaks world record in 400 hurdles at US Nationals
Shouldn’t USATF find a way to fill the stadium for a national championship?
Fitness trackers are good for your health, but…
Thru-Hiking NYC. Why not give it a shot in your area? Best done with someone you love. Or at least someone you find tolerable and/or puts up with you.
Americans Are Not Getting the Message About Exercising More and Sitting Less
Hell is Other Internet People. …Don?
Haters Can Be Your Ultimate Fuel Source! …Read the book. Can’t Hurt Me
Ken Goe: NBC broadcast went dark just as Dalilah Muhammad was about to set a world record. Another mis-communication between USATF, NBC, and the public.
Staying Safe in the Sizzling Sidewalk Season …With NYT links.
Chewing Bubble Gum and Kicking Ass. An update on Nick Symmonds. Now back in Eugene. On Thursday he ran 11.5 in the 100 (in 90 degree weather) at the local All-Comers.
Springfield/Eugene to build indoor track facility
The ‘balance of nature’ is an enduring concept. But it’s wrong.
Why Are We Obsessed With Other People’s Daily Habits?
The United States imported nearly 2 billion pounds of Hass avocados from Mexico in 2018. ~New York Times, 7/28/19
Killian Jornet on running vs walking economy
Bringing Clarity to the Murky World of Sports Supplements
Does Alcohol Affect Your Running?
Consider The Hell Ultra.
Ken Goe: Vin Lananna watches from the sideline as USATF stumbles and fumbles
1st day results for USATF Outdoor Championships