Friday, 2/14/20

LeBron James “Eats Like Sh*t”

Sunday, 2/9/20

The average American goes to the library more often than the movie theater. Read. …But do they watch more movies, at home and theaters, than read books? …The average American reads four books a year.

Book Review

By Edmund Morris
634 pages, Random House, 2019

It’s terrific. America’s (maybe world’s) best inventor,
Edison’s bulb lit up the world. He was also very strange and a bad dad, husband, and business man, often near bankruptcy. But he could jump?. Challenged by Henry Ford at a party, Edison, 68, kicked a chandelier, smashing it to smithereens. OTC’s John Altendorf, 73, world age group champion pole vaulter, said with practice his best possible chandelier kick would fall short at six feet.

Thursday, 2/6/20

Turn off the caffeine machine? Read.

Tuesday, 2/4/20


Super-short intervals with even shorter recoveries

Saturday, 2/1/20

2020 February OTC Newsletter. Includes Don’s book review.

NYT Running links

Friday, 1/31/20

I Am 35 and Running Faster Than I Ever Thought Possible …35 or 70, I think you can too.

Wednesday, 1/29/20

Best sprinter. Sugar Ray Leonard, Bjorn Borg, Wayne Gretsky, or Pele? …Watch

Monday, 1/27/20

Read Your Inability to Do Pullups Is All in Your Head. …I have good upper body strength (he says), but I can only do one. That will change. I swear, I will do ten by 12/31/20. Will keep you posted. BTW, Christie Aschwanden wrote an excellent book on fitness, Good to Go

Alex Hutchinson: How to Make Your Strength Routine Evidence-Based

PCT Demographics

Friday, 1/24/20

Amby Burfoot: A New Rule Limiting Vaporfly-Like Shoes Is Coming Soon. Maybe.

Historical Badass: Remembering Mt. Rainier Legend Dee Molenaar

Fruit fly treadmill?