Timely. The Seventh Seal. …You can see it on You Tube for $2.99. I first saw it at a theater in the sixties, along with many Bergman movies, on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington D.C., about five blocks from the White House.
Timely. The Seventh Seal. …You can see it on You Tube for $2.99. I first saw it at a theater in the sixties, along with many Bergman movies, on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington D.C., about five blocks from the White House.
Andrea Bocelli. Music For Hope
Jack Daniels’ ten basic laws of running.
New York Times’ running links
Bill McChesney, a giant in Oregon track & field, died. Our profile was in the August 2019 OTC Newsletter.
We’re good here.
2020 April OTC Newsletter …Includes our book review on Why Die? The Extraordinary Percy Cerutty, Maker of Champions
Good reads in NYT Running
Stay safe. And keep sane with regular walks and runs.
4th grade, Bushnell Way School in Los Angeles, long time ago. Photo.
The girl in the white outfit, black hair in the second row is Diane Keaton, then known as Diane Hall.
A friend writes: The last time I was at Barnes and Noble, I noticed that Diane Keaton had a new book about her younger brother. I browsed through it and it confirmed that Diane and I went to 4th grade together. Alas, it was only that one year, my first in the neighborhood and her last. The book mentions the blue house, gives its address and she even mentions the tetherball in the back yard. We are both in this picture
Don here. I was in another class, one semester ahead. Two buddies in Diane’s class said she was interested in me. I sorta knew that but we were both too shy to have a conversation.