Friday, 6/5/20

65-Year-Old Ultrarunner Errol “The Rocket” Jones Is a Philosopher of Pain

Wednesday, 6/3/20

The 6/11 5K cancelled. Doesn’t meet the governor’s rules. Damn. …Maybe next month.

Just run with your feeling

Sunday, 5/31/20

Fitbit numbers: 5/1-5/31/20: 381,152 steps, 1381 floors (13,810′ climbed), 186.32 miles, 62,752 calories

No races since November. Signed up for 5K on 6/11.

Saturday, 5/30/20

Hayward Field!!!

Friday, 5/29/20

Reading Advice From History’s Greatest Minds

Don’t be stupid.

Thursday, 5/28/20

No. 1 son lives in Mt. Shasta and hikes in the neighborhood. Video.

Sunday, 5/24/20

New Hayward Field is complete and it looks absolutely stunning. Unlike most anywhere you can mention, the public can actually run and compete there.

Post coronavirus? No One Knows What’s Going to Happen

Saturday, 5/23/20

Remembering Jim Fixx. …Father of the jogging boom? Probably not, the birth having started in the sixties with Bowerman’s book, Jogging, selling over a million. Still, the Fixx book was a good one and fired up another generation.

Thursday, 5/21/20

The Secret Gardener

Tuesday, 5/19/20

Racing Faster