Pac-12 players threatening to boycott season
Don’t miss the comments. What a hoot!
COWEN: What was your sport?
DELL: I did cross country.
COWEN: Running?
DELL: Yes.
COWEN: What is it that outsiders are least likely to understand about the joys of running, say, a hundred miles?
DELL: I think that the reason that I really like running long distances are you can get out, explore nature. And in some ways, it’s like a very, almost a very meditative activity. In modern life, we tend to be very focused on what we have to do next, on where we’re going to.
The reason that I really like running long distances are you can get out, explore nature. And in some ways, it’s like a very, almost a very meditative activity. In modern life, we tend to be very focused on what we have to do next, on where we’re going to.
Whereas, when you run long distances, all of that, in some sense, fades away, and you’re just focused on the activity of running, on where you are, and you stop worrying about what you’re going to do next, what happened previously. That, in some ways, is a very liberating experience.
…From a Q&A with Melissa Dell
How many hot dogs can a person really scarf down in 10 minutes? …Do we really need to carry a water bottle for runs less than, say, two hours?
Marcia McChesney, RIP …Our profile of Bill and Marcia McChesney in the 2019 August OTC Newsletter
Crazy time. Can’t race. Football OK. Read. …Could billions in lost revenue be a factor?
USATF Board Deals With Fallout From CEO’s Salary… A continuing train wreck.
Leurene Hildenbrand stays active in multiple sports at age 84 …Even more so at 88. A profile in the June 28th Wall Street Journal has the details. She continues to exercise three and four times a day.
Eugene has some awesome age group athletes. Including Colleen Milliman. The complete interview was featured in the OTC Newsletter two years ago. She continues to compete. A sharp and dear lady.
Confirmed cases and hospitalizations around the U.S. have already crept up to concerning levels as states and cities reopen. By July, most schools will have to make a final decision about holding athletics in the fall… Read.