
Friday, 7/12/19

Learn Like An Athlete

Steven Pinker: Go Ahead and Get Emotional in Negotiations

‘These kids are ticking time bombs’: The threat of youth basketball …Perchance there’s a clue for you, the aging athlete.

How Emotional Intelligence Boosts Your Endurance …Yes, you/Don woulda/coulda/shoulda run faster.

You Tube: Ultra-Geezer” Gene Dykes undergoes performance testing. Owns the fastest 70+ marathon time. …More.

Justin Gallegos to race the Chicago Marathon

Just finished/liked: Furious Hours
…Spoiler alert. Major reason(s) Harper Lee never wrote another novel is that she was crazy-rich from Mockingbird and damaged by alcohol.

The future of U.S. swimming is 6 feet 9, 17 years old and African-American

Thursday, 7/11/19

The World’s Fastest (Old) Man

Here’s Why I Pick Up Other People’s Litter—And Why You Should, Too …Don does.

My advice: Read

Justin Gallegos: Sports Changes Everything

Wednesday, 7/10/19

I Was Wrong (And I Bet You Were Too)

Q&A with Alex Hutchinson

Q&A with Bernard Lagat …Perhaps the greatest distance runner in human history.

Think about it: what weakens us is feeling offended by the deeds and misdeeds of our fellow men. Our self-importance requires that we spend most of our lives offended by someone. ~Carlos Castaneda

Tuesday, 7/9/19

Read du jour: America Is Losing Its Grip. …”We are raising a generation of weaklings, more prone to everything from premature aging to mental disorders.” …Do you do yard work? Weekly I do a 3-4 mile walk with an 80 year old. Has multiple and serious heath issues. Takes aboard over 30 pills a day, mandated by his M.D. Yesterday, after our walk, I asked if he would chill for the rest of the day. “No,” he said. “She (his wife) makes me weed the garden most afternoons.”

An Ultramarathon Runner’s Secret to Mental Toughness

Ultramarathoner Amelia Boone: The Recovery I Needed

Your phone is the adult marshmallow test you fail 250 times a day. ~Jason Kottke

Toughest July 4th race? Probably Mount Marathon. See video.

Monday, 7/8/19

American Tour de France team has barred its riders from using cellphones at the dinner table during the 3-week race

Study: A Kind Partner More Important Than Compatibility …Jerks are bad news. Who knew?

Calculate Your Carbon Footprint. Wouldn’t you like to know the footprint of every politician, you know, who tell us it’s everyone fault, but they themselves don’t need to pay the price.

Weekend, 7/6-7/19

The Devil’s Dictionary

Jen A. Miller/NYT: Running With My Mom With links.

Unofficial World Championships Qualifiers Lists

Los Angeles is where you confront the objective fact that you mean nothing. …You’re free. More.

Meet Yao Miao, the Best Ultrarunner You’ve Never Heard Of

Friday, 7/5/19

Dr. Michael Joyner Reviews Matthew Futterman’s Running to the Edge
…Stark look at how Americans suck in the marathon.

While running 400m repeats, my coach once said to the group “Your parents probably haven’t felt what you are feeling for decades. Maybe even ever!” …A reminder that once in a while we have to remind our body what it’s like to go to the well and use all of the systems of our body. ~Steve Magness

How to Be Happy

Kipchoge sleeps enough. Consider

Thursday, 7/4/19

How to Use Your Muscles to Predict Your Mortality

Butte to Butte 5K results. Don finished in 25:28.3, second in age group.

The hilly 10K 6 years ago.

Semi Rad: It Could Be Worse

You Can’t Wear Leggings After Sixty: Really? How About You Kiss My Little Tiny Bodybuilder’s Butt?

Wednesday, 7/3/19

How fast can we run? …I ran track (poorly) and cross country (better) for Anaheim High School in 1961-1962. Trained and raced barefoot, mostly. And so, yes, I was a forefoot striker. Like everyone else. For cross country, for trails and the road, you had three choices: barefoot, crappy Tigers from Japan, and a tennis shoe like thing from Adidas. For track, the sole choice was Adidas.

Highly recommended: the wet engine and Deep Survival

The enemy.

Tuesday, 7/2/19

LetsRun is…Looking for athletes who were wrongly denied a Pan Ams Game spot (and a lawyer who wants to help them)

Nike cancels release of July Fourth sneaker. Kaepernick took offense.

Arizona takes offense

One in Five Americans Get Hurt By Someone Else’s Drinking Every Year

The Myth of the Sports Scholarship. Why should we pay taxes, and students more in fees, to pay for athletes who are not there to learn?

Magness: After a breakthrough, you should back off, not press forward