Alex Hutchinnson: Don’t Let Pollution Stop You from Exercising
World’s oldest guy (113) discloses longevity secrets.
World Political Leaders 5K results. …More.
Semi-Rad: The ShortCut Is: There Is No Shortcut
Alex Hutchinnson: Don’t Let Pollution Stop You from Exercising
World’s oldest guy (113) discloses longevity secrets.
World Political Leaders 5K results. …More.
Semi-Rad: The ShortCut Is: There Is No Shortcut
71-Year-Old Sets Blazing Fast Mile World Record—on Low Mileage
Being injured sucks. …Just bad luck or being stupid?
USA marathon champ Sara Hall defies convention. Of course we’re all different, and sometimes you’re lucky.
If you had the bucks, would you buy a da Vinci or restore sight for nine million people? The Man Who Didn’t Save the World
The Western Elite from a Chinese Perspective
Video: We Do Not Run For Prize
California 17th, Oregon 20th healthiest states in the United States. Story.
More love for Joe Newton. …Check out the Mr. Newton documentary, The Long Green Line.
The problem with having a 3:00:35 marathon PB is I now have to run another one to break 3. Looking for a spring marathon with a very flat course. Any suggestions? ~Nick Symmmonds
Awesome: National Anthem 2017 Army – Navy Football Game 118th Edition
Paralympic Medalist Mentors 4th Graders
Eric Schranz says Gene Blankenship is the Joe Newton in his life. Ditto for sis Kristen. …More.
Super Goethe. My gang (old boys and girls) are still buzzing about Leonardo.
Fun read: Kick Against the Pricks
$600 kicks. I’d be embarrassed to buy them. Even if they returned me to my times of four years ago, that spry and speedy version of Don at 68. …More.
It’s nice to be great, but it’s FAR greater to be nice. ~Joe Newton
Finally, an avocado “as big as my head”
12 Habits to Keep up Your Running Motivation. Yeah, yeah, that’s what I thought. But I read it anyway and am glad I did.
Muddy, Thirsty, Naked, Joyful: Running Through Bears Ears National Monument
The Ultimate Adventure Vacation? Paying to Get Lost
Gary Patton (71) just ran 5:29.81 to break the 70+ indoor mile world record. …More. …My Eugene area rival beats me by two minutes in a 5K. Patton competes in Eugene about once a year and beats my rival by two minutes.
Bernard Lagat (43 next week) did an impressive 12 mile workout
Pre, Pre Classic, Salazar, Olympic Trials… Greatest event ever at Hayward Field? Here. …More.
A Legend Has Passed: Joe Newton RIP 1929-2017
The USATF National Masters XC Championships held this weekend. Craig Godwin was 15th in the 50-54 AG. Mike Blackmore was 3rd in the 55+ AG. Results.
Breaking news. Results from the 2017 High Desert 50k Ultra and 2017 High Desert 30k. Rolling desert terrain on jeep roads, single track trails, and sandy washes, with elevation. Older/tougher (than thee and me) SCV friends in race::
Denis Trafecanty, 75, 7:24:46
Glenda Kimmerly, only 66, 4:20:20
Marv Powers, 89, 5:29:42
Gaylon Rodin, 75, 5:37:59
Patricia Devita, 83, 6:01:23
The event used to include a marathon. I ran it once and won (over about a dozen other sissies, not tough enough to do the 50K). Will never forget the shock and awe of a huge explosion several miles away during the race. The course is near the Naval Weapons Center, and some ordinance was detonated on that clear and cold Sunday morning
Meanwhile, per pending lawsuit, NFL Hall of Famer Warren Moon grabbed, drugged, and threatened…
How A Small Alaskan Fishing Town Saw The 4-Minute Mile
Alex Hutchinson: 5 Sports Science Studies That “Failed”
Badass? This Guy Was the Real-Life Inspiration for Indiana Jones
On the joys of running with others.
Best Prep Running Program in California?
What does it take to run a sub-3 marathon? …Helpful?
Loved this one from Amby Burfoot: The Endless Toil of the Somewhat Grumpy, Fiercely Independent, Formerly Fast Meteorologist-Turned Big Data Guy. …Ever been to The Lost Coast? No, I haven’t either. Must do in 2018. The lady who allows me house privileges has a great story about being lost in Petrolia, asking directions. Petrolia, by the way, is so out of the way that my spell check refuses to acknowledge its existence. …I’m very familiar with Eureka and Arcada, as my brother in law lives in the area. Curious, fun area; a must see. Don’t miss the redwood forest behind Humboldt State.
Semi-Rad: Put More Self-Flagellation In Your Vacation
Best Generals All Time? Interesting, eh? But what I’d really like to see is the best cross country/running (prep/college/elite) coaches all time. Please forward ASAP.
World 1500m champion Elijah Manangoi was a one-lap sprinter before he focused on the metric mile. Read
4 Ways to Master Your Running Form …Some simple tweaks, disciplines might cure your/my inefficiencies. Many decades ago, a friend and rookie runner was easily recognized from afar by his right hand flapping. Gene Blankenship told him that for two weeks (or something like that) he was not allowed to run a step without a tennis ball in his right hand. So he did that. Problem solved.
What I Learned At Phil Knight’s Big Basketball Birthday Party
The Secret to Happiness? Simplify. …Mostly sound advice, insights you already have and not yet followed. …PK has not followed the writer’s advice.
How special was Mariah Castillo’s third place finish at NXN? Story.
Raevyn Rogeers is a girly girl and fierce. Only 21, she is a six time NCAA champion. …Watch. Huge win as a freshman.
Women are naturally more fit than men
Amby Burfoot: Running ‘Softer’ Might Reduce Your Injury Risk
the morning shakeout. He’s right, CIM is special. The course is forgiving, fast, and legal. 649 ran sub three. The weather can be great (cold) or lousy. In ’87, super cold and a driving rain, I had my worst marathon experience. In the medical tent afterwards with hypothermia. In ’88, in ideal conditions, I ran my second best marathon (2:51:55).
In a ridiculously small (31 high school males) study, cross training improved cross country runners. Read.
Why we kinda suck too because we don’t jump stairs like Ashton Eaton or Alysia Montano. …But we can run or walk up stairs, hills, and mountains.
Obstacle race for kids coming to SCV
Q&A with Courtney Frerichs. Silver medalist in the 3000 steeple at 2016 World Championships. …Train with someone better than you.
You’re Probably Not Eating Enough Fruits and Vegetables
On our addiction to brainless nonsense.