Week That Was. …Several striking instances of toughening the workouts.
Hiker Completes Second Ever Crossing of Death Valley. …What, never been to Death Valley??? It’s really cool, so to speak. We went there so many times. So scenic. Eyeball stretching. Wonderful history. Got second at the first Death Valley Marathon in 1988 at 43 years old. My time was around 3:10. A sandy trail, but a net downhill. Race director told us afterwards the course was actually about 27 miles. In March (now December) just as it was turning hot. Was about 60 degrees at the start and near 100 at the finish. One guy did a face plant at the finish, severely dehydrated, and was placed on an IV.
Who’s the fittest of them all?
An insidious scourge that has nothing to do with head trauma is ravaging retired N.F.L. players. Story
Flash: An Animated History of Cheese: 10,000 Years in Under Six Minutes