Friday, 1/11/19

Phil Sutton, editor of the Oregon Track Club Newsletter, writes: A July 22, 1959 article in the Eugene Guard newspaper announced that the Emerald Empire Athletic Association (later the Oregon Track Club) would be offering kids individual track and field instruction. Parents could call DI 3-7463 any Thursday evening and either Bob Newland, Bill Bowerman, or Bud Robertson would “hustle to the University of Oregon PE field to handle the teaching….” Unfortunately the article restricted the phone call program to “any parent wishing instruction for
his son…..”

Magness/Stulberg: Really Caring About Something Can Be a Gift or a Curse

Fit hacks from The Financial Times. …Baby food?

Fitness in high fashion

Just finished The Monuments Men. It’s excellent. …But not the movie.


Thursday, 1/10/19

Sports Illustrated’s Fittest 50. Note how much they cross train.

Mind May Trump DNA in Exercise and Eating Habits

Fear not Gilbert & Sullivan. Enjoy a hilarious, and accessible The Mikado. …You might want to view with the libretto.

Update on the 90 year old cyclist who tested positive. Here.

This just in. Vin Lananna, our coach, is back with Sunday morning training at Autzen Stadium.

Wednesday, 1/9/19

Should We Really Care About Cadence? …Don’t miss the related article by Alex Hutchinson. Back in the day, a changing cast of characters in Santa Clarita did a weekly Sunday long run, usually 24 miles. Sometimes after 20 miles, we would do minute on, minute off drills, timing our steps, with 180 being the goal. It kinda worked, but usually for only 3-5 “on” before our legs started to protest too much.

Mind and Muscles – How to age well


Alex Hutchinson says…A Post-Workout Soak Might Boost Performance. By the photo, I guess it’s best done naked in a mountain hot spring.

Lessons Learned on the Pacific Crest Trail

Tuesday, 1/8/19

the morning shakeout. Has some nice words about Joe Vigil. I met Joe on the plane returning from the 2012 Olympic Trials. Very friendly to all.

Why Mountains Make You Dumber. …Really? Ever exercised yourself silly? If adapted and rested, chances are you’re as smart (or stupid) at the top of Mt. Whitney as a you are at sea level.

Electric bikes! Suddenly appearing on the Willamette River trail, racing by walkers, people with strollers or dogs…

Do you need blood testing?

Study: You’re Going to Keep Aging Until You Die

Monday, 1/7/19

Most gruesome NFL injury of the year

Try to Keep Up With Australia’s Fastest 92-Year-Old Woman

Just do nothing

Understanding Speed and Velocity

Weekend, 1/5-6/19

No. 1 son climbed Castle Crags

Jen A. Miller/NYT: Running

90 year old cyclist fails drug test

2018 Was the Best Year in Human History

Friday, 1/4/19

National Geographic: Best photos of 2018

Dr. Jack Daniels on the treadmill downhill. Because it’s often cold and rainy, I’m on the treadmill more often. Tried doing downhill 400s at 2%. About 35 minutes worth. Kinda fun and safe.

Recent reads I liked:

Never Missed

John Marshall: The Man Who Made the Supreme Court

Gentleman Revolutionary: Gouverneur Morris, the Rake Who Wrote the Constitution

Rules of Civility

What Would the Founders Do?: Our Questions, Their Answers

Where the Sea Breaks Its Back: The Epic Story – Georg Steller & the Russian Exploration of AK …Steller was the first Caucasian to step foot in Alaska. …Namesake of perhaps my favorite bird, Steller’s Jay. A lovely bird with attitude.

Past Tense …Mint condition. First edition. Autographed. $14. And then spilled coffee on it.

The Patch

Why Calendars are More Effective Than To Do Lists. On your resolve to lose weight, or other such worthy (maybe even life saving) goals, try short interim target dates, with a pass or fail grade on each date.

More Concept 2 stuff. On 12/23 I reported a 10:13 for the 2000m row. Today I did 9:53. Damper set on 3 and was below 2:30 per 500m pace on most strokes, and then kicked hard the last two minutes. Still had juice at the end. It’s fun. Really.

Thursday, 1/3/19

When Will The 2-Hour Marathon Mark Tumble?


Party tricks and naked writing: the eccentric life of Victor Hugo …You really must read Les Misérables. It’s about 1300 pages. Includes 80 page essays on this and that. Skip ’em! (You won’t be tested on them.) It’s one helluva great novel. Unforgettable characters and story.

Introducing Santa Clarita Track & Field

Happy New Year

Imagine what we could do with our money, and hours, if we set our phones aside for a year. In Search of Lost Screen Time. Imagine people walking in the neighborhood. Even every day.

Eric Schranz: My First Year of Not Drinking Alcohol Was Weird

At our house, for the next 90 days, no naughty food or drink.

Last night we saw H.M.S. Pinafore. My first Gilbert & Sullivan. Loved it. …My lady was educated in private Quaker schools. Every other year, the 6th grade class put on a Gilbert & Sullivan operetta. Acting and singing the whole thing. …He is an Englishman

2019 January OTC Newsletter


If you fell asleep in 1945 and woke up in 2018 you would not recognize the world around you. How This All Happened

The Fittest Human Ever Quit Sports, Found Happiness


Amazon. Dirty dealing in the 175 billion Amazon Marketplace?

Jen A. Miller/NYT: It’s O.K. to Ease Off the Schedule

The dietary supplements that are the backbone of wellness make up a $30 billion a year business despite studies showing they have no value for longevity… More

Renato Canova and Toni Reavis on The Taste For Fatigue

Fatigue? 3100 Run And Become

How to Age Well in 2019

It’s Time to Rethink the Ideal Running Cadence

Jen A. Miller/NYT: The Year in Fitness. And more.

Dave Barry: Year in Review. Is there anything good we can say about 2018?

Pre’s Trail in the running to be a city of Eugene historic landmark

“We will be the best” – The training & making of Jakob Ingebrigtsen …When, if ever, have you done 25×400@ 10km pace with 30 sec rest?

Health columnists share the one thing they would each change for a healthier 2019