Wednesday, 6/19/19

Just finished Can’t Hurt Me. Loved it. …Review. Once 300 pounds, he turned it around, likely a better runner than thee or me ever were.

Some guy argues, Making your bed will not help you change the world. Do you want to be like that guy or Admiral McRaven?

Tuesday, 6/18/19

How modern life is transforming the human skeleton

North Korea on meth

Tim Hola’s Key to Success: Train Hard and Early

Amby Burfoot: Running, Thinking, and Writing

72% of Americans say they wish they ate more veggies

Monday, 6/17/19

Remembering Gabriele Grunewald, Who Ran For Herself and Others

Weekend, 6/15-16/19

Roger Robinson: Lessons from the World’s First and Greatest Run Streaker …Roger and Don are finalizing his Q&A, to appear on July 1. Great guy.

Allie Ostrander Upset with ESPN

Steve Magness: The Real Struggle for Athletes: Moving on from their Sport

Jen A. Miller/NYT on Running with Gabe …With links.

Information and enthusiasm is hard to find in Track Town

Dale Greig, Early Women’s Marathoner, Is Dead at 82

Friday, 6/14/19

Bislett/Stockholm Diamond League Results

Last night in Springfield, Oregon. In unusually hot conditions. Some wilted.

Minimum required in nature. Just two hours a week! Study. Spend the rest of your time staring at screens. …Another study with a contrary conclusion. Proven in the lives of billions.

Thursday, 6/13/19

Why No One Cares About Your Travels

Inspiration on the run

What might Killian Journet be thinking about on his favourite trails at home?

Raising awareness to save the track

Why is the New York Times, the paper of record, printing crap like this?

Mike Tyson Smokes the Toad

Wednesday, 6/12/19

Tim Layden/SI: ‘Brave Like Gabe’: Remembering the Runner Who Never Gave Up in the Face of an Unbeatable Opponent

The Latest Research on Protein and Muscle-Building

The Nature Cure.

We liked The First Conspiracy: The Secret Plot to Kill George WashingtonReview

Tuesday, 6/11/19

Surprising conclusions in The State of Running 2019 …More female than male runners.

Frank Meza, 70, recorded two 2:53 marathons earlier this year. Amby Burfoot is suspicious. Read

As I reflect on four days of some of the best athletic performances in the world at the D 1 NCAA meet it is mind boggling that our sport is not mainstream. We need collaboration to solidify the power of TF. ~Vin Lananna

About sharenting. One Day, All of This Will Be Embarrassing

Monday, 6/10/19

New Hayward Field to create “unique atmosphere” for 2021 IAAF World Championships, predicts Coe

Weekend, 6/8-9/19

How good were the men’s sprints at the NCAA championships in Austin?

A Nation Not Made by Flimsy People

Alex Hutchinson: Have We Really Found the Limit of Human Endurance?

Count your blessings — even when they come well disguised

Laugh alert: Tush…Tush, Sweet Charlotte

Jen A. Miller/NYT: Heading Into the Sunny Season

Insane results at the NCAA Championships, especially in the sprints. Read LetsRun