Wednesday, 7/24/19

Track and Field’s Shoe Rule Makes No Sense – Might Sifan Hassan’s WR Need To Be Invalidated? Amen.

Prominent football coach hates your gizmo

Ticket prices/locations for the 2020 Olympic Trials at the new Hayward Field.

Tuesday, 7/23/19

The Real Reason Marathoners Hit the Wall

Millions should stop using aspirin for heart health

Just finished: Life Outside the Oval Office. …Now retired, Nick is racing the 100 at the All-Comers meets at Lane Community College. Perhaps I’ll see him on Thursday.

Hayward Field update

Monday, 7/22/19

100 Best Adventures in America on Public Lands …It’s time to play outside.

How Aristotle is the Perfect Happiness Guru …Read Aristotle’s Way …Give it to a friend who is drifting.

How to Be a Super Commuter. Over my career, I probably averaged two hours each day, a horrible waste of time and life. The best time (and paid) was about four years working at home.

Recommended: In Search of Greatness

Weekend, 7/20-21/19

How to Find Your Ideal Running Cadence

Jen A. Miller/NYT: How to Prepare for Mountain Runs. With links.

‘Hyperfit’ women intrigue U.S. military

Sticker shock in Eugene.

Friday, 7/19/19

The Sad Truth About Sleep-Tracking Devices and Apps

Hunter S. Thompson Gets in a Gunfight with His Neighbor

Thursday, 7/18/19

Will Shoe Tech Ruin The Purity Of The Sport?

29% of Athletes Who Die of Sudden Cardiac Arrest Have Symptoms—Here’s What to Look For

Who needs a track?

Wednesday, 7/17/19

The life-changing magic of making do

In Washington state, obesity is now officially considered a disability—and protected under state anti-discrimination law. This means that “it is illegal for employers in Washington to refuse to hire qualified potential employees because the employer perceives them to be obese…”

Tuesday, 7/16/19

the morning shakeout

Coach reveals the secret behind Eliud Kipchoge’s success.

Alex Hutchinson: How to Talk Yourself Into Better Endurance

“When You Get That Wealthy, You Start to Buy Your Own Bullshit.” …About how you earn and spend your time and money conflicts with your expressed values.

Monday, 7/15/19

The Unbearable Smugness of Walking

Our friend Harvey Lewellen (Oregon Track Club), the American record holder in the 80-84 and 85-89 Hammer Throw, set a new world record…

Video (8:23): Seniors push athleticism to the limit

The average user touches their phone 2,617 times a day. Creepy.

Alberto Salazar says slow early pace helped Hassan break the 1500 world record. …More. …She’s tougher than thee and me. Routinely barfs during interval workouts.

Weekend, 7/13-14/19

Sifan Hassan Breaks World Record in the Mile. Coached by Alberto Salazar. Video

U.S. Life Expectancy Drops for Third Year in a Row …Less dramatic, but obesity, “recreation” drugs, and alcohol continue to reap an early harvest.

Seven moral rules that unite humanity

Thoreau Was Actually Funny as Hell

The Zero-Minute Workout …30 minute podcast with Michael Joyner.

Tyler Cowen/Marginal Revolution: How I practice at what I do

Jen A. Miller/NYT on Running. With links.