Wednesday, 8/21/19

Buy the Newest, Lightest, Shiniest Gear Or You Could Die

Tuesday, 8/20/19

Q&A with Bob Larson

Monday, 8/19/19

Is Guilt Good for Your Health

Weekend, 8/17-18/19

Take the Factfulness Test. Takes less than 5 minutes. Almost certainly you will score worse than a chimpanzee.

Friday, 8/16/19

How This Texas Ranch Hand Ran His Way to a 2:13 Marathon

Thursday, 8/15/19

Is It More Important to Run Faster or Run Longer?

Wednesday, 8/14/19

The Biomechanical Perfection of Simone Biles in Flight

Tuesday, 8/13/19

71-Year-Old Jeannie Rice Runs Sub-1:40 Half to Set Age Group World Record

Monday, 8/12/19

Across America on a Motorized Bicycle – 1903


Weekend, 8/10-11/19

She started running at age 100