Sunday, 8/8/21

Must read: Robert E. Lee and Me: A Southerner’s Reckoning with the Myth of the Lost Cause by Ty Seidule. …Review. …Ty Seidule at Washington & Lee video

Saturday, 8/7/21

There’s New Evidence on Heart Health in Endurance Athletes

Simple. Long time runners have enlarged atria. If that’s you, like Don, it’s unlikely a cardiologist will tell you to stop running.

Wednesday, 8/4/21

Malcolm Gladwell on self-driving cars and how it bodes well for runners and cyclists. …Here

Thursday, 7/29/21

Getting Over Gold: Athletes and Mental Health

Finished Lieberman’s Exercised. Excellent. Compelling chapter on endurance and aging.

You are old, Father William,” the young man said,
“And your hair has become very white;
And yet you incessantly stand on your head—
Do you think, at your age, it is right?”

–Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

Monday, 7/26/21

Now reading EXERCISED: Why Something We Never Evolved to Do is Healthy and Rewarding

Saturday, 7/24/21

Results from the 7/22/21 OTC All-Comers here. Craig Godwin, now back on track after his second heart attack earlier this year, ran the best 3000 in the U.S. this year for a 54 year old. Along with Craig, done Q&As with Justin Gallegos, Becky Sisley (now 82 and still heaving the javelin), and Jill Mestler, the meet director.

The 61-Year-Old Shepherd Who Shuffled His Way to an Unlikely Ultra Win

Friday, 7/23/21

Imagine yourself at the 2021 USATF National Masters Track & Field Championship. Competing. …Results

Wednesday, 7/21/21

Everesting. I’m going for it. On Spencer Butte and Skinner Butte. Since 7/6, five efforts, 7040′ to date.

Peter Sellers: A Hard Day’s Night

Thursday, 7/15/21

Bernd Heinrich on his ‘unusual’ life as a runner and biologist in Maine …Among his many books, we liked are Why We Run, Racing the Antelope, and The Snoring Bird (his memoir).

Wednesday, 7/14/21

Just in. My Conversation with Alexander the Grate