Thursday, 6/21/18

The Week That Was

You’re Faster with Friends, Even Uphill

More on the 98 year old guy who raced at Mount Washington, George Etzweiler.More.

OMG: What Happens When You Leave Cell Service Behind?

Nice account by Eric Schranz on Sunny, his eight year old daughter, and her first 10K. …Kelley, her grandmother, and Kristen, her aunt, are terrific runners as well.

How to watch, get results on the USA Track & Field Championships

Wednesday, 6/20/18

Best Advice From Dads

Why You Should Slack Off To Get Some Work Done.Read

Lotsa good stuff from Ken Goe.

NYT: The Dangers of Belly Fat. If your waist measures 35 or more inches for women or 40 or more inches for men…

Science: Guess Which Place Is The Psychopath Capital of The US? …California is No. 3.

Tuesday, 6/19/18

Can’t Do the 7-Minute Workout? Neither Can I. …It all counts.

the morning shakeout

“I’m Far From Perfecting The Race,” Says Michael Norman

98-Year-Old Conquers Mount Washington Road Race

Alex Hutchinson: Putting Napping to the Test

24 hour ultra at Dunkin’ Donuts. …From ’71 to ’73, Don had an apartment about a half mile from that location.

Monday, 6/18/18

A walk with Gary Cantrell, creator and director of The Barkley Marathons, The Race That Eats Its Young

Ultrawomen. Badasses from yore.

Yikes: A ‘Just Say No’ Dad’s Struggle in the Land of ‘Just Say Yes’

Jonathon Marcus: Declare Victory

Physiology and Pathophysiology in Ultra-Marathon Running

Weekend, 6/16-17/18

Steve Magness: The Placebo Response

What’s the deal with Hayward Field? …Len Johnson is a track writer in Australia. …Iconic, for sure, and yet accessible. Ten years ago, my love and I went there for the first time. It was open and we jogged a few laps even as Vin Lananna, the UO head coach, was talking to his runners at track side.

Jen A. Miller/NYT: Your First Marathon Training Cycle, and more

Brad Stulberg: Eating Disorders, Divorces, Risks of Really Going For Something, and Millennials

Jonathon Marcus: If You Want Success, Figure Out the Price

Funny/sorta naughty Father’s Day story.More.Halpern’s dad has a book.

Be A Dad

Friday, 6/15/18

Alex Hutchinson: The Art of Pacing Is More Complicated Than You Think

The original ‘Men of Oregon’ take a lap along memory lane

Abby Wambach, soccer champion, equal pay/LGBTQ activist, and badass extraordinaire: Failure is fuel.

Study: People Are Getting Dumber

Thursday, 6/14/18

Dipsea: A Trail Race Where ‘You’re Either the Hunter or the Hunted’

Pretty good movie about Dipsea. Trailer: On The Edge

Exercise vs. Standing? You Probably Need to Do Both

The Week That Was. …Mariah Castillo is mentioned.

Squats for Runners

What Happens to Your Body When You Climb Everest

Steve Magness: The Myth of the Non-Responder

How Long Do We Let Them Fail?50% of California Kids Can’t ReadMore

Semi-Rad: 20 things that take longer than the Caldwell, Honnold ascent of The Nose

Wednesday, 6/13/18

Study: One in three Americans take meds with depressive side effects

Exercise is the best antioxidant


The Cult of Anthony Bourdain

The Last Days of Stealhead Joe

Exercise is Medicine. I run on a treadmill at the gym. My view, if not a Kindle, is a pool wherein we often see an exercise class for oldsters, mostly fat and female. The fat old boys are bs-ing with weights, but more likely watching TV at home or dead. Same deal closer to home. Our street dead ends at a Willamette River trail head. 80% of the senior walkers are female. Fit and fat is better than dead.

Video: An Ode to the Radical Restoration That Is Wild Swimming

LAT: Inside the USC women’s track team’s relay miracle

Tuesday, 6/12/18

Lazy Work, Good Work

Monday, 6/11/18

Magness Speaks — Why Rabbiting Works

How running gait increases injury risk

More on the insane USC comeback.

Bach at the Burger King

Katrina Marie Graham, Master’s alum, ran a 2:59:35 at the San Diego Rock ‘n Roll Marathon, 2nd female overall (out of 1600). Results. And is a very nice person.

Eugene, OR