Breaking news: The World Is Getting Better
About accepting responsibility. It’s not you, it’s me.
There Is Nothing More All-American Than the Veggie Burger
On fitness gizmos and technology.
Ross Tucker: The stark implications of today’s Chris Froome decision
Are you racing tomorrow? Hope so. If not, I’m guessing you once did every July 4th, as I did in Santa Clarita and now do in Eugene. Usually, it’s the same course year after year, same conditions, same competition. The key opportunity to judge your current fitness against people you know and have raced for years. Don’t wuss it, don’t miss it. …Lauren Fleshman agrees. …It’s not a grim or scary ordeal. Smile.
Conversation with Juan Pablo Villarino …world’s greatest hitchhiker. Tip of the day: Read Marginal Revolution daily.