

Vin Lananna leaves UO for the University of Virginia

Monday, 9/9/19

Stop Complaining …As mom probably told you.

Thursday, 9/5/19

Marriage 101

Wednesday, 9/4/19

Just finished a marvelous Zatopek biography, Today We Die A Little. More. …Imagine repeat training days of 80 x 400m, at race or faster pace, with only a 150m rest jog.

Tuesday, 9/3/19

Breaking news from 2010. Solitude and Leadership

Monday, 9/2/19

Wayfaring in America

Friday, 8/30/19

Ya gotta see. Brazier mows down (OTC Elite) Amos. Video

Thursday, 8/29/19

2019 September OTC Newslatter

Wednesday, 8/28/19

And Then Job Said Unto the Lord: You Can’t Be Serious

Tuesday, 8/27/19

The Pain and Pleasure of Colorado’s Manitou Incline