
Wednesday, 6/2/21

Oregon Track Club Newsletter – June 2021 …All club members get Nike Company store access this month. The discount last time we visited (2019) was 40%.

Tuesday, 6/1/21

Ron Warhurst, famous Michigan/Very Nice Track Club coach, at the new Hayward Field …Seating will be very limited at the Trials later this month. We have a shot being there.

Video: I Live in Yosemite

Saturday, 5/29/21

Where Do Ultramarathons Go From Here?

The Marathon Men Who Can’t Go Home

Thursday, 5/26/21

Surely you need to get more steps

Tuesday, 5/25/21

Ed Marshall IV, Libbie’s nephew, is working in Iceland, featured on 60 Minutes

Favorite Dylan Song? …Sheila loaned me The Times They Are a-Changin’ in 1965. We re-connected in 1974, married in 1975, loving Blood On The Tracks.

Saturday, 5/22/21

Do employers discriminate against obese employees? Apparently, yes, especially if female and white. Michigan is the only state that forbids it. …Discrimination against the ugly, the stupid, and white males still ok.

Friday, 5/21/21

177 Pieces of Life Advice from Kevin Kelly, Founding Editor of Wired Magazine & The Whole Earth Review

The usual Oregon Track Club events return, including Butte to Butte and the All-Comers. Review here. …Don will be there. Almost two years since last finish.

Thursday, 5/20/21

Sebastian Junger is Walking America’s Railroads

Wednesday, 5/19/21


Friday, 5/14/21

Alexander the Grate  Homeless since 1981.