
Tuesday, 10/31/17

Mo Farah leaves Nike Oregon Project

What if a drug could give you all the benefits of a workout?

Read du jour: Tim Leyden profiles Meb

New York might also be Shalane Flanagan’s last marathon.

Fred Beckey, America’s Oldest Dirtbag, Dies at 94

Steve Magness tweets: Do yourself a favor & listen to Terry Laughlin share wisdom shortly before his passing. Here. It’s over two hours and well worth your time. …Have you ever had a coach really work with you on your running form? Consider how much energy you’re wasting, why you keep getting injured.

NYT obit on Fred Beckey

Monday, 10/30/17

Let’s watch the documentary on Meb,’The Home Stretch’

We were with family in Mt. Shasta City over the weekend. Great hiking on the mountain. Going and coming, we chowed and hung out at the The Ashland Food Co-Op.

Ashland is fun. Also pretentious, upscale hippie, artsy-fartsy, pricey, pretty, showy, touristy, remote, snooty, left wing, pleased with itself.

“You lose your phone again, Rusty?”

Happiness Is Other People

Einstein’s Theory of Happiness’

Mt. Shasta trucks its trash 88 miles up the I-5 to a 1000 acre landfill in Medford, Oregon.

82-year-old man becomes oldest ever to hike the entire Appalachian Trail. Read.

We think you could be in the top ten at this marathon.


Sunday, 10/29/17

Must read: The Art of Self-Coaching. Bautista is the guru on Sub 2.

Granddaughter Ella’s Halloween pumpkin.

This Second Grade Handout Should Be Your New Manifesto

Pushing 90, an ultrarunner pushes The Hard Way …Bob Hayes, now 91, is still racing. You?

Friday, 10/27/17

Remembering Terry Laughlin:

Brad Stulberg on escaping the rut:

A good one about Julian Edelman and his resolve to be in the NFL.  Work hard and don’t eat crap.

Force and motion of an elite Kenyan.

“Running mindfully is basically an attitude switch—you’re forced to step away from your pity party.” More:

Was lunching yesterday with some old boys and girls, none of them runners.  The subject of Steve Prefontaine came up.  One guy told of his third grade class on a field trip to Hayward Field.  Steve was there and gave them a little talk, then took them on a lap, telling them stories.  One inspired kid suddenly bolts ahead, only to soon feel a hand grab on his shoulder.  “Hey,” said Steve, “you’re going to have to grow and get faster to get ahead of me.” …
Another guy said he used to go out drinking beer with Steve.  The guy’s girl was best friends with Steve’s girl.  Usually, they would go to a red neck tavern in Coburg, a small town outside Eugene, where it was unlikely people would know him.  How much beer would he drink, I asked.  Pitcher each, he said.  And remember, he continued, pitchers were a lot bigger back then.  The guy continues: “Pity about him losing at the Olympics.  He was out drinking with the coach the night before the finals.  Didn’t realize that German beer was twice as strong the American piss beer.”  …Any of that stuff true?  I have no idea.
The Legend Lives On:

Thursday, 10/26/17

Training Tips From Mile Legend Steve Scott:

Famous runners of yore gather:

Teen brain drain:

We liked:

Fat but fit? Consider:

Wednesday, 10/25/17

So Long, Meb!

Busy dad smashes FKT on the John Muir Trail:

Busy working mom of four wins marathon, busting “No Time” myth.

Busy Darrell General has the time and, more importantly, the will.

Which of us is not saying to himself—which of us has not been saying to himself all his life: “I shall alter that when I have a little more time”? We never shall have any more time. We have, and we have always had, all the time there is.” -Arnold Bennett, How to Live on 24 Hours a Day

It’s a fun and wise and quick read. Here:

Mario Fraioli is spot on with his recommendation on the Tim Ferriss podcast with Walter Isaacson.  It’s terrific. I have the da Vinci bio on order.  You can’t beat his biographies on Jobs, Einstein, and Franklin.  We came up with the Ben’s Ten race directly after reading Isaacson’s Franklin.

Einstein’s tip:

Garrison Keillor in Eugene:

We missed Keillor’s heart-healing show.

Don’t miss.  Boris Berian.  2016 world indoor 800 champion. 

It’s probably best to not cogitate and race/train hard at the same time.

Tuesday, 10/24/17

More dairy?

Lazy Person’s Guide to Happiness:

Can money buy happiness?

This defies gravity, physics, all comprehension:

Amby Burfoot tweets: RIP Terry Laughlin, master swim coach & founder of Total Immersion Swimming. He mixed art, science, Zen, and had an insatiable curiosity. …More:

More on Terry Laughlin and TI.  If you see someone swimming, gliding and seemingly effortlessly, it’s probably a TI swimmer.

Lousy timing!  Leaving town just hours before (visit my son in Mt. Shasta City):

More on buns.

Monday, 10/23/17

NYT obit on oldest woman marathoner:

Stoicism in professional sports:

Catching up with Alexi Pappas:   

CIF-SS XC polls:


Weekend, 10/21-22/17

Is chocolate healthy?

Why babies  (and the rest of us) need to read.

NYT Running:

Brief update:

Great Oak girls better Saugus course record at Mt. SAC.  West Ranch boys beat Saugus and Canyon:

Must read (I’ve read the book thrice):  

BTW,  Leener is donating September & October book sale proceeds to American Red Cross relief efforts for hurricane victims in the U.S. Sales have been brisk!

Friday, 10/20/17

Steve Magness:

Fast and last?

I quit showering…