Author Archive

Friday, 1/15/21

This Actually Happened On Jeopardy

Now reading Rickover: Controversy and Genius (only 720 pages). Born in Poland in 1900 (or maybe 1898). Not a stellar student in his 1922 graduating class at the Naval Academy. Was in charge of the Navy’s nuclear program for over 30 years. Served under eight Presidents, with at least three of them wanting to get rid of him but would not or could not. Finally forced out in 1982. In the late 60s I shared an off base apartment with Joe, a peon sailor like me, who worked for Rickover. Heard many stories. One Saturday morning, when the friend was gone, the phone rang. It was Rickover. He was looking for Joe to drive him somewhere. It was a very nervous Don who had to tell him, kindly, he was out of luck. Upshot? He was ok with that.

Who is David Goggins?

He was featured in a very, very funny book, Living with a SEAL

Goggins was not identified in the book. Later I read Can’t Hurt Me.

Goggins on running.

My last ultra race was the Lake Hodges 50K on 3/11/06. In miserable (cold, wet, flood) conditions. With my Santa Clarita friends. And Goggins. Results.

Sunday, 1/10/21

Obesity Worsens Outcomes from COVID-19

Unfit To Serve

Saturday, 1/9/21

Politicians bicker while vaccine goes unused, even tossed

Friday, 1/8/21

The Mark and Measure of the Man

Tuesday, 1/5/21

Born in lily-white Oregon, jogging has always excluded black people, so says a New York Times op-ed last year. …Bullshit, says Toni Reavis

Saturday, 1/2/21

“Let’s just build a REAL track” in Maupin, Oregon (pop. 430). …Read.

Bad News

In a study published in September, researchers from Ohio State University found that out of more than two dozen athletes from the university who tested positive for COVID-19, 30% had cellular heart damage and 15% showed signs of heart inflammation caused by a condition known as myocarditis. More.

Monday, 12/28/20

Yes, Walking Is Sometimes Faster than Running Uphill

Fess up, guys, what movie made you cry? …If not tears, at least make you choke up a bit.

As did Bob Dole’s memoir, One’s Soldier’s Story, a Christmas present, read in one day. Preview. It was a miracle he survived his injuries, overcame the internal injuries and pain, and achieved what he did. Now 97 years old. …Two years ago. Bob Dole salutes George HW Bush’s casket

Christmas Eve

99 Good News Stories From 2020 You Probably Didn’t Hear About

You’ve Heard of Forest Bathing but How About Forest Bach-ing?