Author Archive

Friday, 8/20/21

Why does tiny Jamaica (population 2.9 million) over-represent in the sprints? …Read

Thursday, 8/19/21

The Age of Cant

Wednesday, 8/18/21

Karla Del Grande, 67, just broke her world record in the 300m hurdles with a 54:00 flat. She holds six world records.

In an interview two years ago, about her youth… “Track was my love even then, and it was encouraged and enjoyed by my father for one of my brothers and myself. I had wanted to try triple jump and pole vault but was told I wasn’t allowed because my uterus would fall out. ” …More.

Monday, 8/16/21

Why Everything We Thought About Drugs Was Wrong

Saturday, 8/14/21


Friday, 8/13/21

Why Track Remains The Greatest Show On Earth

Sunday, 8/8/21

Must read: Robert E. Lee and Me: A Southerner’s Reckoning with the Myth of the Lost Cause by Ty Seidule. …Review. …Ty Seidule at Washington & Lee video

Saturday, 8/7/21

There’s New Evidence on Heart Health in Endurance Athletes

Simple. Long time runners have enlarged atria. If that’s you, like Don, it’s unlikely a cardiologist will tell you to stop running.

Wednesday, 8/4/21

Malcolm Gladwell on self-driving cars and how it bodes well for runners and cyclists. …Here

Thursday, 7/29/21

Getting Over Gold: Athletes and Mental Health

Finished Lieberman’s Exercised. Excellent. Compelling chapter on endurance and aging.

You are old, Father William,” the young man said,
“And your hair has become very white;
And yet you incessantly stand on your head—
Do you think, at your age, it is right?”

–Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland