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1/12/22 Everesting II

I continue doing the hill repeats, usually every other workout, the goal being another Everesting, running up to exceed the elevation of Mt. Everest, 29,032 feet. As before, most of such stuff is done at Skinner Butte in Eugene, an inactive volcano, lushly forested, 250 feet elevation run to the top. Roughly, that’s an 800 feet trek on a 9% incline.

9/5 Skinner 2020
9/9 Hendricks Park 1010
9/11 Skinner 2040
9/23 Skinner 1070
9/25 Skinner 2260
9/28 Hendricks 700
10/3 Mt. Pisgah 1580
10/9 South Jeddy 540
10/10 South Jeddy 560
10/15 Skinner 1650
10/19 Skinner 1250
10/27 Skinner 980
11/11 Skinner 1080
11/26 Skinner 1400
11/28 Skinner 1570
12/5 Skinner 1700
12/9 Skinner 1540
12/18 Skinner 1830
12/31 Skinner 1660
1/5 Skinner 1050
1/8 Skinner 1740
1/12 Skinner 1270

Monday, 1/10/22

Quebec shoppers need to show vaccine passports to access liquor, cannabis stores. …But not the people who work there

Saturday, 1/8/22

Children in the Garden: On Life at a 3,100 Mile Race …On a site called Longreads. (It’s a very long read.)

Friday, 1/7/22

Let’s run the Manitou Incline.  Note the elevations, 6530′ to 8550. …Just interviewed a past Colorado high school track and cross coach. His school was at 7500′ Much of their training was at elevations above 7500. They were state champs four of the sixteen years he was there.

Thursday, 1/6/22

Eric Dickerson: The NFL is another no-good entity

Wednesday, 1/5/22

Football Is A Sucker’s Game
…Published in 2002. Wikipedia brings us current on coach Jim Leavitt. Not pretty.

Too woke to travel write?

Tuesday, 1/4/22

Here’s my latest Q&A in the Oregon Track Newsletter

…I’m avoiding the Winter Olympics. If alive in 1850 America, wouldn’t we want to avoid the slave South?

Thursday, 12/30/21

Disgusting …Read the whole thing. People are funny and disgusting.

Tuesday, 12/28/21

Two Saugus High XC runners hit by red light runner/speedster. …Story

Doreen Ketchens: Just A Closer Walk With Thee

Kilian Jornet breaks Vertical Kilometer world record. Video I want to try that once the snow clears in the Cascades.

Wednesday, 12/22/21

Roger Robinson: Why I Still Love Racing at Age 82

Q&A with Roger Robinson