Author Archive

Tuesday, 2/27/18

College football is as crooked as college basketball

The Triumphant Tragedy of Marathoner Kokichi Tsuburaya

I have forgotten how to read. …A friend in Nevada writes, “I have a library card, and I’m not afraid to use it.”

Why don’t Kenyans run ultramarathons?

Monday, 2/26/18

NYT: How to Run Like a Girl

A Challenge Race Shakes Up the Running Routine

Oregon-Bound Josh Hoey Breaks National High School Record For 800m.
By two seconds.

Al-Sal OK with Centro relocate to DC

Grunting’s competitive advantage

Nathan Myhrvold, a polymath billionaire, suggests you add salt to your wine.

Weekend, 2/24-25/18

The Grim Reaper does not care about the latest longevity study you sawFor example.

Pick Up Other People’s Trash

NYT: Harassment While Running, etc.

Oregon Ducks senior Sam Prakel is all business, on the track and in the classroom.

How beliefs shape our waistlines. I Think I Can.

On Saturday we saw five bald eagles, one adult and four juveniles. Fishing for lunch, we think, on the Willamette River. The adult’s mate is likely on the nest.

Alex Hutchinson: Holding your breath during training can improve performance

Michael D. Joyner on supplements: Here.

Did USTAF Board chair Steve Miller undermine Vin Lananna? …Eleven months ago the United States hosted the World Indoor Track & Field Championships in Portland, Oregon, the brainchild of Vin Lananna. …Today Vin is flying to London for the 2019 World Indoor Track & Field Championships, there to be the USA representative/go-to guy for the 2021 World Track & Field Championships in Eugene, Oregon, Hayward Field being less than a mile from Vin’s house.

Andrew Wheating Needs a Job

Another good story on the Oregon walk-on, Mick Stanovsek

Friday, 2/23/28

‘You can be a Duck and say you’re a Duck for the rest of your life.’ Love an Underdog? Oregon Has One to Root For

Men of Oregon, I invite you to become students of your events. Running, one might say, is basically an absurd past-time upon which to be exhausting ourselves. But if you can find meaning, in the kind of running you have to do to stay on this team, chances are you will be able to find meaning in another absurd past-time: life. ~Bill Bowerman

Why Fitness Trackers Should Measure Your Breath Rate

Great people know a great many things beyond their field. …Must read by David Epstein and Malcolm Gladwell. Here.

No jerks allowed. In Norway, with only 5.2 million citizens, with 11,000 sports organizations, 93% of children and young people are regularly playing sports.

Leo Tolstoy Makes a List of the 50+ Books That Influenced Him Most.
…Dostoyevsky doesn’t make the cut. …Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo were not best buds.

Mick Stanovsek!!! The Movie

Snowday, 2/22/18

Three inches in Eugene.

Most Sinful States in America

Shalane Flanagan on How to Achieve Peak Performance

Screen Time Is Dangerous for Kids

We are idiots now, we have been idiots in the past, and we will be idiots again in the future – and that is OK. There aren’t any other available options for human beings. …More

The Hindu, circulation 1.2 million, reviews Alex Hutchinson’s Endure

Tonight’s track workout for half marathoners and beyond here. Your coach is Ian Dobson, Olympian. His college coach was Vin Lananna.

Watch Joan Baez Endearingly Imitate Bob Dylan (1972)

Still snowing here.

The Joy Of Wearing Out A Piece Of Gear

Larry Eder/RunBlogRun on USATF board vs. USATF President

1 in 5 Americans have more credit-card debt than savings. Like the federal government. $20,769,498,460,581 in debt as of December, 2017. By now, about 21 trillion. Who cares?

Wednesday, 2/21/18

New Fitbit Data Finds That Users In the U.S. Have the Highest Resting Heart Rates. And that’s not a good thing. …More.

Why Fatigue Is Your Best Feedback

The Myth of Greatness

The Sunday New York Times Magazine includes our favorite feature,The Ethicist. …Am I/you doing the right thing?

Ken Goe: Where is the USATF board’s grand vision to save the sport?

Tuesday, 2/20/18

Ken Goe/Oregonian: Vin Lananna “taken aback” by the USATF board’s move

LetsRun: Trying to make sense of USATF’s action

Video: Vin Lananna is a revoluntionary, a game changer

the morning shakeout nails it: This latest move (the Lananna putsch) is evidence of USATF’s incompetency, insecurity, and arrogance, and further confirms how out of touch the board members are with the organization’s membership and the myriad problems plaguing the sport in this country.

How fasting rewired my brain. What excesses in our lives need to be eliminated (OK, moderated)? I mean, besides running.

Ken Goe writes: If there are legitimate reasons for Lananna’s removal, the USATF board should say so and act in a transparent manner. In the meantime, this looks less like good governance, and more like dirty politics. …More.

Monday, 2/19/18

USATF Indoor Championship results.

Convenience has the ability to make other options unthinkable. Read.

You can run the best half marathon of your life, but unless you extend your long runs and plan carefully, a marathon will eat you whole and burp out your shoelaces. An updated formula for marathon-running success

A Gold Medalist With No Arms

Remembering a legendary Canyon athlete, Trevor Habberstad

7 performance-boosting habits top Olympic athletes have in common

Lananna placed on temporary administrative leave by USATFMore.

Weedend, 2/16-17/18

Best running/track & field blog? Bookmmark. Daily until football season.

Alex Hutchinson: Relax, We’re Nowhere Near the End of World Records

She got the world record and tore her colon.

What/when to see this weekend at the USA Indoor Champs.

Out of shape and stupid

NYT: Running Growth, Jackets and Peter Rabbit

After decades of not, we subscribe to Runner’s World. An issue for about half of what you pay for a cup of coffee.

We like Stephen Florida.

Animal House Turns 40. Filmed in Eugene.

Video last Sunday at Hayward Field. Watch carefully at around 1:10 in the video. There’s some old dude who appears to be a crazed disciple of Vin Lananna.

Why Yoga Pants Are Bad for Women

Friday, 2/16/18

Hayward Field update. …And more.

Paris, Now. …Now 49 years later, I wanted to re-visit Paris. But we’re going to Ireland instead. …Mark Helprin is my favorite living novelist.

Steve Magness on embracing awkwardness and what it takes. …And about the coach cult.

A Challenge Race Shakes Up the Running Routine. It won’t kill ya. Might just change your life.

The Team That Sleeps Together

What a Combat Medic Still Carries. …A Navy boot camp buddy (1966) became a medic. Lost touch with him but know he survived. …The Viet Nam classic.