
Thursday, 1/17/19

Week That Was. …Several striking instances of toughening the workouts.

Hiker Completes Second Ever Crossing of Death Valley. …What, never been to Death Valley??? It’s really cool, so to speak. We went there so many times. So scenic. Eyeball stretching. Wonderful history. Got second at the first Death Valley Marathon in 1988 at 43 years old. My time was around 3:10. A sandy trail, but a net downhill. Race director told us afterwards the course was actually about 27 miles. In March (now December) just as it was turning hot. Was about 60 degrees at the start and near 100 at the finish. One guy did a face plant at the finish, severely dehydrated, and was placed on an IV.

Who’s the fittest of them all?

Less beef. More beans.

An insidious scourge that has nothing to do with head trauma is ravaging retired N.F.L. players. Story

Flash: An Animated History of Cheese: 10,000 Years in Under Six Minutes

Wednesday, 1/16/19

The Two Keys to Forming Habits—and Making Them Stick

Former Java Junkie Ponders Coffee’s Upside

Tuesday, 1/15/19

the morning shakeoout

Dog owner bites runner. Story. …If you have problems with dogs and their owners, you might be living in the wrong place.

Monday, 1/14/19

28 degrees!

Back to the Mountains, For One More Run

Liked: Tip of the Iceberg

How I Learned To Love Exercise. It all counts.

Doug Brenner knew something was wrong when he awoke from a nap and felt as though he couldn’t move. More. …And more. …In 1961, Don was on the Class C Anaheim High School football team. Starting in September, when it was very hot, our practices were between two and three hours. In full uniform gear. No water breaks/bottles. No sitting. No sense.

Gene Dykes didn’t beat Ed Whitlock’s age group world record!!! …Dykes explains.

Weekend, 1/12-13/19

Hey, take a hike!

Sport’s dad.

Jen A. Miller/NYT: Running

The hottest thing. Intervals.

Friday, 1/11/19

Phil Sutton, editor of the Oregon Track Club Newsletter, writes: A July 22, 1959 article in the Eugene Guard newspaper announced that the Emerald Empire Athletic Association (later the Oregon Track Club) would be offering kids individual track and field instruction. Parents could call DI 3-7463 any Thursday evening and either Bob Newland, Bill Bowerman, or Bud Robertson would “hustle to the University of Oregon PE field to handle the teaching….” Unfortunately the article restricted the phone call program to “any parent wishing instruction for
his son…..”

Magness/Stulberg: Really Caring About Something Can Be a Gift or a Curse

Fit hacks from The Financial Times. …Baby food?

Fitness in high fashion

Just finished The Monuments Men. It’s excellent. …But not the movie.


Thursday, 1/10/19

Sports Illustrated’s Fittest 50. Note how much they cross train.

Mind May Trump DNA in Exercise and Eating Habits

Fear not Gilbert & Sullivan. Enjoy a hilarious, and accessible The Mikado. …You might want to view with the libretto.

Update on the 90 year old cyclist who tested positive. Here.

This just in. Vin Lananna, our coach, is back with Sunday morning training at Autzen Stadium.

Wednesday, 1/9/19

Should We Really Care About Cadence? …Don’t miss the related article by Alex Hutchinson. Back in the day, a changing cast of characters in Santa Clarita did a weekly Sunday long run, usually 24 miles. Sometimes after 20 miles, we would do minute on, minute off drills, timing our steps, with 180 being the goal. It kinda worked, but usually for only 3-5 “on” before our legs started to protest too much.

Mind and Muscles – How to age well


Alex Hutchinson says…A Post-Workout Soak Might Boost Performance. By the photo, I guess it’s best done naked in a mountain hot spring.

Lessons Learned on the Pacific Crest Trail

Tuesday, 1/8/19

the morning shakeout. Has some nice words about Joe Vigil. I met Joe on the plane returning from the 2012 Olympic Trials. Very friendly to all.

Why Mountains Make You Dumber. …Really? Ever exercised yourself silly? If adapted and rested, chances are you’re as smart (or stupid) at the top of Mt. Whitney as a you are at sea level.

Electric bikes! Suddenly appearing on the Willamette River trail, racing by walkers, people with strollers or dogs…

Do you need blood testing?

Study: You’re Going to Keep Aging Until You Die

Monday, 1/7/19

Most gruesome NFL injury of the year

Try to Keep Up With Australia’s Fastest 92-Year-Old Woman

Just do nothing

Understanding Speed and Velocity