Amby Burfoot interviews Christie Aschwanden on the Science Behind Recovery
Details on How a Man Killed a Mountain Lion with His Bare Hands
Steve Magness: What You Say Matters: How The Post-Race Debrief Influences Performance. …Does/did your coach give you any feedback?
Podcast with Malcolm Gladwell
Coming attaction: 112th NYRR Millrose Games. On the tube in Eugene on Saturday, NBC channel 3, 1:30 PM. …There are no no prominent indoor track meets in Oregon (though one of the best I ever saw was in Portland, the World Indoor Championships) or Los Angeles. As to the latter, the Times Indoor and the Sunkist were the two major indoor meets at the Sports Arena.
Was present on 2/10/62 to witness Jim Beatty become the first human to go sub four indoors. Video.