Why is doping in the NFL viewed as less important than in Olympic sport
USATF Board’s Motives Questioned In Lananna Case
Jen A. Miller/NYT: Running and naughty eating. And lots more.
Kejelcha Misses Breaking Mile World Record By .01 Of A Second. Video. …Looks like he coasted in the last 5 yards.
Cheserek’s Long Path To US Citizenship. …Actually, when Ches amps it up, his arm carriage is horrible, so says Vin Lananna. …Fast forward to last lap here.
Why the Bowerman Track Club Is the Best in the Nation. …Just a handful of miles away from Salazar’s group. Both clubs are funded by Nike.
Dathan Ritzenheim: Finding Your Pack Is The Key To Your Running Goals
Caffeine is not addictive. …After 50 years, I switched to decaf. And survived.
Cool video: The Omelette Guy
Trail running after 50: from tragedy to trails
Interview with Steve Casimiro, founder and editor of Adventure Journal
Amby Burfoot interviews Christie Aschwanden on the Science Behind Recovery
Details on How a Man Killed a Mountain Lion with His Bare Hands
Steve Magness: What You Say Matters: How The Post-Race Debrief Influences Performance. …Does/did your coach give you any feedback?
Podcast with Malcolm Gladwell
Coming attaction: 112th NYRR Millrose Games. On the tube in Eugene on Saturday, NBC channel 3, 1:30 PM. …There are no no prominent indoor track meets in Oregon (though one of the best I ever saw was in Portland, the World Indoor Championships) or Los Angeles. As to the latter, the Times Indoor and the Sunkist were the two major indoor meets at the Sports Arena.
Was present on 2/10/62 to witness Jim Beatty become the first human to go sub four indoors. Video.
Snow in Eugene. Maybe a half inch. Lovely.
You Don’t Need Sports Drinks To Stay Hydrated
How Candy (Energy?) Bars Became America’s Favorite Snack Food
Gym Class Trauma. Picked last. Getting naked. Showers. …Nah, I liked it.
The Greatest Tool for Recovery Might Be Common Sense
Tom Brady Is Drowning In His Own Pseudoscience …Sez the author of Good to Go.
The White Flight From Football
Super Bowl MVP Julian Edelman shouldn’t even have been playing in the game
Toxic coaching. Most often seen in football and basketball. Ever heard of such in track & field? I haven’t.
The latest Fast Women newsletter
Jen A. Miller/NYT: Run-spiration. And a whole lot more. NYT is a great newspaper. But there is limited access without a subscription. Try a trial, quite cheap subscription. If you like it, get a regular subscription with complete access and the Sunday Times delivered on your doorstep for $20 per month. Hint. Bargain for your best deal.
Why We’ll Look Back at Our Smartphones Like Cigarettes
Why PE Fails… Hey, take a hike around your neighborhood. There are no kids out playing, riding bikes, etc. Kids today are raised to be inert.
Heart and Humor: Eugene, where great athletes are just like the rest of us
Gritty photos of NYC runners
Check out the 2019 February OTC Newsletter. Note story on the University of Oregon track & field team got Navy SEAL training. Tough stuff!!! Will try to get more details.
Must read football stories. About Aaron Donald and C.T.E.
The Best Hydration Plan Is to Drink When You’re Thirsty
We Salute You, Guy Wearing Shorts All Winter. …Last Sunday at practice, with over a hundred in 40 degree weather, that sole shorts guy was Vin Lananna.
80-Year-Old Climber Kris Machnick Reminds Us It’s Never Too Late