Author Archive

Monday, 3/18/19

Video: Pedaling Across Continents

AKA Lawn Mower Parenting

Another way. From charcoal dealer to world-class half-marathoner, Kenyan Joan Chelimo is reinventing herself again

The Communist Party is top dog in the Chinese App Store. Something the entire family can use. Or else.

Weekend, 3/16-17/19

Utter madness: USATF WILL NOT Honor Top-Three Finish at The US Olympic Trials Unless You Have The Standard

More madness. From Scientific American. Can Cannabis Solve the Opioid Crisis?

Jen A. Miller/NYT: How to Feed a Runner Guide. …And links.

Kelly Catlin, world class cyclist, wrote this. And then a week later, we read this. …More on Kelly Catlin

Woman cyclist forced to stop race after catching up with men

Ya got me moment for an Austrian skier

How Likely Is a Sub-Two Hour Marathon in 2020?

Snowplow parents? How Parents Are Robbing Their Children of Adulthood

Friday, 3/15/19

2019 OTC Monthly Race results. Don was second oldest in the race, second in age group.

Classic Cheapies. …About decent and inexpensive wine.
Layne Witherell was in my 1966 Navy boot camp company. Friends ever since. We will celebrate our 74th birthdays on 3/20/19.

His/her job? Doing Dishes is the Worst. Surely grown up people who love each other can sort out such stuff.

39 second video: Hiking Interactions. About the same for runners?

Thursday, 3/14/19

Pearls Before Breakfast …Seven years later at Washington’s Union Station.

Exercise vs. Drugs to Treat High Blood Pressure and Reduce Fat

Athing Mu, only 16, on recording the second-fastest indoor 600m time in history

Alex Hutchinson’s Q&A with Brad Stulberg and Steve Magness. …It includes a question so long in my mind. Why do the best runners in their time just stop competing in their twenties, thirties, the rest of their lives? Lotsa greats in Eugene who don’t compete.

Wednesday, 3/13/19

These Concerts Are for Very Lucky Hikers Only

Is breakfast the most important meal of the day?

Einstein didn’t have a smart phone

Tuesday, 3/12/19

the morning shakeout

It’s Complicated: Athlete Relationships with Social Media. Fascinating. And disturbing.

Why Do New Yorkers Walk So Fast? And drive like maniacs? So let me tellya, having lived and worked there for 2.5 years in the early 70s. They’re nuts, sorta. Stressed to the max. Fighting for space. Even so, there were/are so many wonderful people there.

Ken Goe: The IAAF shouldn’t mess with the U.S. Olympic Trials

Monday, 3/11/19

Athing Mu defeated by high school freshman. Story

Remembering Dan Jenkins, the Most Influential Sportswriter Ever. And funniest.

The Amazing Franz Kafka Workout. …Only 15 minutes a day. Naked, of course.

Weekend, 3/9-10/19

Jen A. Miller/NYT: Slow Enough to Be a Sponsored Runner. …And other good links.

Must read: Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked. …What are your addictions? …One of the possible cures he mentions is Pavlok.

NCAA D1 Indoor Championships results

Friday, 3/8/19

How Muscle Memory Works

What the Wright Brothers Can Teach Us About Coaching.

Thursday, 3/7/19

Justin Gallegos featured in New York Times article, Slow Enough to Be a Sponsored Runner

Amby Burfoot: Ed Rousseau has been running for 62 years

Sleep or Die

Why Walking Helps Us Think