Author Archive

Friday, 3/29/19

Margaret Bailes Johnson, 17, won a gold medal in the 4 x 100 relay at the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City. And never raced again.

How many cigarettes in a bottle of wine?

Video: Running the Oregon Trail

Video: Stress, Trauma, and Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail. I’m guessing you’re near the PCT, and that we’re all past due for a ramble.

Alex Hutchinson: How Treadmill Running Differs from Running Outside? Short answer: Not much. When an office slug, I’d train on them during lunch. Now I do so because I get up in the dark and it rains a lot in Oregon. And because it’s a good way to run intervals.

Ken Goe writes, It’s time for the sport to put spectators first

Thursday, 3/28/19

Deena Kastor on the hardest race in the world.

Steve Magness: The college admissions scandal and our obsession with status

What my DNA told me: Avoid fast food, eat vegetables.
…Uh, that’s what my mother told me. Watch what you swallow.

Hilarious: Morning Rituals

Wednesday, 3/27/19

It is a hundred times more difficult to burn calories than to refrain from consuming them in the first place.

Every problem you have is your responsibility, regardless of who caused it.

And 86 other important truths.

Regular Running Can Double Your Chances of Making It to 85

6 Pro Cyclists Open Up About Their Struggles With Depression. …Head injuries are often a common denominator among athletes grappling with mental health issues.

A few stories on self-induced head injuries:

NYT: Marijuana Edibles May Pose Special Risks

CNN: Cannabis-related ER visits in Colorado jump threefold after legalization

Tuesday, 3/26/19

the morning shakeout. Ches is going for the world record at Carlsbad.

Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum name change sacrifices tradition for money

Politicized kids’ books are a new low in parenting

5 Lies You’ve Been Told About “Following Your Passion”

Forest Lawn: The Disneyland of Death

Prolonged sitting induces a state that they call “exercise resistance.” Read.

For that someone kinda full of it. Consider

Fiber: Only 5 percent of people in the US meet the recommended daily requirement

Monday, 3/25/19

New approaches to the old problem of old age

Doctors want to limit sugary drinks for kids, teens. …Why the focus on the young? Lotsa obesity in every age group.

Tougher than thee and me. Women Becoming Marines: ‘I’ Will No Longer Be in Your Vocabulary

Weekend, 3/23-24/19

Jen A. Miller/NYT: What you can do when you can’t race. With links.

Killer eggs?

Jockology: How your office job is affecting your metabolism

The Harsh Reality of Video-Game Addiction

Friday, 3/22/19

The Evolution of Jenny Simpson. … Secrets to success when it comes to getting older, wiser—and faster.

Wiretaps, emails and checks: Parents in college admissions scam face tough legal fight

Scientific American: Are Some Fruits More Fattening Than Others?

Video: What it’s Like to Hike the Entire Appalachian Trail in 45 Days. Self-supported! …. But he also says, “I always do a few indoor track races. So I want to do the indoor mile.”

Video: Beginners Guide to Cross-Country Skiing

Just in. Woman’s Solo Hiking Trip Shockingly Doesn’t Have To Do With Inner Journey Or Anything

Thursday, 3/21/19

Just returned from Willamette Pass, about 5100′ in the Cascades. We did two hours of XC skiing. Great experience. Might be a new passion. Stand by.

Week That Was: USATF Defies The IAAF and Ruins The Olympic Trials

Alex Hutchinson: Customize Your HIIT Workout Based on Your Goals. It was a usual cold, wet winter in Eugene. That was the kind of stuff I was doing on the treadmill, and likely will continue as the weather warms up. And do more 5Ks this year.

Wednesday, 3/20/19

Video: Running Ridges in Norway with Kilian Jornet

Tuesday, 3/19/19

Top American Pros and Coaches React to USATF’s New Olympic Qualification Process

95 year-old embarks on second cross country run.

Don’t be a fool. Read: Good to Go: What the Athlete in All of Us Can Learn from the Strange Science of Recovery. Do you really benefit from power drinks, energy bars, ice baths, supplements, gizmos…? More. …Informative and entertaining.

USATF Has Shot Itself In The Dick Once Again