Author Archive

Sunday, 3/21/21

Montaigne’s Humanity

Recommended: How to Live: A Life of Montaigne in One Question and Twenty Attempts at An Answer

Saturday, 3/20/21

Dick Hoyt, who pushed his son, Rick Hoyt, through nearly every Boston Marathon from 1980 to 2014, six Ironman triathlons and more than a thousand road races, died on Wednesday. He was 80 years old. …More

Friday, 3/19/21

Laugh here

Wednesday, 3/17/21

Zoom Escaper …Ever “attended” a Zoom wedding? A Zoom medical appointment? And Zoom schooling? Don’t me started. I’ll shut up for the rest of the day.

Sunday, 3/14/21

Yesterday Yo Yo Ma and Don got their second vaccine shot. His 15 minute observation period was more productive. Watch

Thursday, 3/11/21

Californix? …How about more focus on basic literacy?

Wednesday, 3/10/21

How Do You Weigh a Hummingbird? …The bumblebee hummingbirds in Mexico are smaller at 2.2 g

People who BS are more likely to fall for BS. …Like you and Don when we talk/argue politics?

Tuesday, 3/9/21

Burpees! …The post includes the following: “Most people can do about 20 burpees in a minute.” Well, Don can’t, and I’m guessing you can’t either. Not a good sign for either of us.

Monday, 3/8/21

Check out the new Hayward Field. …Per The Wall Street Journal, the the official cost of the renovation: $270,047,937. Most of it thanks to (Uncle) Phil Knight. …BTW, Don recommends subscribing to the WSJ. Maybe the best newspaper around, fair to all sides. It’s pricey, but watch for the special deals. I’m on one at $4 a month, good for one year. Cancel anytime.

Sunday, 3/7/21

Bach’s best

Bocelli/daugther sing Hallelujah