…obesity and smoking remain the two leading causes of preventable deaths in this country. The Growing Toll of Our Ever-Expanding Waistlines
You’ve probably noticed our frequent posting of stuff from the New York Times. Yes, it can be cloying, annoying, and reflexively biased, but it is also the best newspaper in American. For about $18 per month, we get it all every day on the net, and a hefty bundle of paper next to our front door every Sunday. Consider a dirt cheap trial subscription. After that expires, you can bargain them down from their “standard rate.”
Self-Help Lessons from Napoleon Bonaparte.
Recommended: The Undoing Project. Curiously, those two amazing Israeli scientists became close friends in the early 70s while working at the Oregon Research Institute.
Nearly every other city in California performs better than San Francisco in educating low-income students, and it’s not like most of the cities are knocking it out of the park. Consider
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