Alex Hutchinson: The Psychological Side of Heat Exhaustion
A hard rain’s a-gonna fall. From cowering to powering through backcountry storms. Don’s dicta. 1. In good gear, most rain is mild, tolerable, even pleasant. 2. Run in the forest.
Video: Flooding in Yosemite. …Reminds me. Just finished Emerson among the Eccentrics. Late in Emerson’s life, John Muir and other nature notables invited Emerson and party to Yosemite. George Pullman furnished a well-stocked private Pullman car to tote the party across country to San Francisco. From there, it took 3 1/2 days to travel (some of it by horse) to Yosemite. …Curious fact. Warren G. Harding, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford and tire magnate Harvey Firestone camped together in Yosemite.
The Diderot Effect: Why We Want Things We Don’t Need
Fun photo. From the Renaissance?
2018 Leona Divide results. …Patricia Devita, 84, finished the 30K in 7:15:52. The rest of us DNS.
OTC Masters coach Jeff Sather writes: Today we’re meeting at the start of Amazon Trail @ 5:30pm for a workout consisting of both trail and track work.
On trail:
1k @ tempo pace, 200m jog rest
2 x 200m w/ 200m jog rest
1k @ tempo pace, 200m jog rest
2 x 200m w/ 200m jog rest
On track:
2 x 400m, 300m, 200m, 100m cutdown
Update on the workout above. In a word, kick-ass! Your on-pace is probably between 5 and 10K pace. The entire workout takes 50 minutes, plus or minus. You never quite recover. The track part is brutal, “the pay-off,” said the coach. Will never be confused with a Payday candy bar or a payday check.
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